Analysis of titin amino acid sequences using python
Titin is a giant muscle protein, the largest protein in the human body! (over 4 MDa in size). Amongst many others it comtains 132 fibronectin type 3 (Fn-3) domains, many of which have very similar amino acid sequences.
The 20 essential amino acids can be described by a one letter code:
G Glycine Gly P Proline Pro A Alanine Ala V Valine Val L Leucine Leu I Isoleucine Ile M Methionine Met C Cysteine Cys F Phenylalanine Phe Y Tyrosine Tyr W Tryptophan Trp H Histidine His K Lysine Lys R Arginine Arg Q Glutamine Gln N Asparagine Asn E Glutamic Acid Glu D Aspartic Acid Asp S Serine Ser T Threonine Thr
There are 2 files in this project: containing the code fn3alignment.txt a text file containing a multiple sequence alignment (amino acid alignment) of all titin's 132 Fn-3 domains
The various functions in the python file can be run independently to perform a number of functions:
get_domains returns all the 132 Fn-3 domains
get_all_res(x) returns the amino acid (residue) at position (x) for each domain
countres looks asks the user for which position they are interested in and should return a counter which counts the numbers of amino acids by single leter code in that particular position.
EXAMPLE: run countres(4) to find the most conserved amino acid in position 4
PROBLEM: how can I get countres to then run the percentagecalculator over all 132 domains and append the results in a list or other readable format? e.g. most conserved in position 1 - P (60%) most conserved in position 2 - A (55%) and so on..
guessing i need a for loop to loop over all 132 sequences and run countres()