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prepare rasperry-pis

install ubuntu 20.04 lts on your pi's login and change the default password 'ubuntu' to something you like copy your ssh-key to the machines:

ssh-copy-id ubuntu@pi-0
ssh-copy-id ubuntu@pi-1
ssh-copy-id ubuntu@pi-2
ssh-copy-id ubuntu@pi-3

Login and change hostnames:

sudo hostnamectl set-hostname pi-0
sudo hostnamectl set-hostname pi-1
sudo hostnamectl set-hostname pi-2
sudo hostnamectl set-hostname pi-3

setup k3s-cluster

Setting up the cluster

edit the host-config in setup/hosts.yaml

cd setup
ansible-playbook install.yaml
ansible-playbook setup-k3s.yaml

get kubeconfig from the cluster. It is located in file /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml. Place it in your homefolder: $HOME/.kube/config and edit the url of my the master ( in my case):


check the new cluster

kubectl cluster-info

Import Cluster to rancher

login to rancher, create new cluster (existing) and execute the commands provided.

kubectl apply -f

Setting up direnv

Install direnv and setup some environment-variables in ./.envrc

add to .bashrc if using bash:

eval "$(direnv hook bash)"

add to .zshrc if using zsh:

eval "$(direnv hook zsh)"

Create a .envrc in project folder (and never add this file to your repo!)

# token, that can create repositories (check all permissions under repo)


# 1Password-Token
export OP_TOKEN=

allow this file

direnv allow .envrc

Now your environment-variables are set.

create initial config

We use the 1Password-Operator to deliver secrets to out cluster. It need's an secret ' with the 1password-credentials.json in it. create an integration in 1password and save 1password-credentials.json and the token

kubectl create namespace 1password
kubectl -n 1password create secret generic onepassword-token --from-literal=token=$OP_TOKEN

Install the 1password operator

helm repo add 1password
helm -n 1password upgrade -i connect 1password/connect --version 1.5.0 --set-file connect.credentials=/mnt/c/tmp/1password-credentials.json --values 1password-operator/values.yaml
#kubectl apply -f 1password-operator/clusterrolebinding.yaml

install flux to cluster

install flux

kubectl create namespace flux-system
flux bootstrap github --owner=rowa78 --repository=k8s-home --path=./clusters/pi

manual changed

i need to resolve dns-entries in my lan. So i changed the dns-server in configmap for CoreDNS:

kc -n kube-system edit configmap coredns
# change forward-line
# forward to my pi-hole
forward .

perhaps there is a better solution. Will look for that later.