This project is a C++ implementation of the Game of Life by John Horton Conway Wikipedia article on "Game of Life".
This project was created for a coding challenge/assignment by Buutti Education.
You need to compile the game to run it. You need the following programs to build and run it on a Linux-system:
- g++
- pkg-config
- libsdl2-dev
- libsdl2-gfx-dev
You can install them with:
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install -y g++ pkg-config libsdl2-dev libsdl2-gfx-dev
Clone this repository:
$ git clone
Build the program by going into the src folder and use g++:
$ cd src/
$ g++ -o ../build/game-of-life game.h logic.cpp main.cpp rendering.cpp `pkg-config --cflags --libs sdl2 SDL2_gfx`
If you want to make modifications to the game, you can build it using the above command again!
Now if everything went OK, you can access the build folder and run the game:
$ cd ../build
$ ./game-of-life
This method has been tested with a fresh Xubuntu 18.04 virtual machine.
At first the game presents you with a blank screen with a grid. You can set the cells either "alive" (white) or "dead" (black). You can now manipulate the game with the following inputs:
- R - resets all cells to initial state
- Space - starts automatic iteration of generations. Automatic iteration can be turned off by pressing space again, or by pressing R
- Right arrow key - iterate through generations one by one
You can read more about the game and how it works here!
Wikipedia - Game of Life
Tsoding - Profun (using SDL, rendering logic) // Link to video later
Dulhan Jayalath - GameOfLife (Game logic) // Link to video later
Created by Elmo Rohula 2021