A ruby script to automatically upload your WoW bag contents to www.askmrrobot.com.
Run bundler to install the required dependencies:
bundle install
Edit the location of your World of Warcraft folder inside amr.rb:
emacs amr.rb
You also need a file with the proper cookies from an authenticated session with www.askmrrobot.com.
I used Google Chrome and installed the Export cookie.txt addon. The extension is small and provides exactly the format needed for curl.
Save your cookies to a file named 'cookies.txt'. If you use a different filename, update the amr.rb script variable $COOKIES_PATH accordingly.
Now you should be able to run the script and it will upload the Lua file as it gets modified:
Your mileage may vary with 'exotic' realms like "Kill'Jaeden" (contains an apostrophy) or "Altar of Storms" (contains spaces). What I'm saying here is - I haven't tested it with those realms. Also, if your character has weird umlauts - who knows what will happen ;-).
The guts of this script are (shamelessly) taken from this thread on Ask Mr. Robot's forums.
No gems were hurt while writing this script.