Sample webhook for Prometheus Alertmanager
This demonstrates the workflow to receive alerts from Prometheus Alertmanager to a custom generic receiver. This is achieved using Prometheus Alertmanager's webhook_config. This webhook receives HTTP POST requests from Prometheus Alertmanager in the following JSON format to its webhook endpoint:
"version": "4",
"groupKey": "<string>", // key identifying the group of alerts (e.g. to deduplicate)
"status": "<resolved|firing>",
"receiver": "<string>",
"groupLabels": "<object>",
"commonLabels": "<object>",
"commonAnnotations": "<object>",
"externalURL": "<string>", // backlink to the Alertmanager.
"alerts": [
"status": "<resolved|firing>",
"labels": "<object>",
"annotations": "<object>",
"startsAt": "<rfc3339>",
"endsAt": "<rfc3339>",
"generatorURL": "<string>" // identifies the entity that caused the alert
It simply logs the alerts.
Since this uses a Dockerfile with multi-stage builds, it needs Docker 17.05 or higher.
$ git clone
$ cd amwebhook
$ docker build -t amwebhook . # Build the docker image. The Dockerfile is a multi-stage build.
$ docker tag amwebhook rohithvsm/amwebhook:1.0.0 # Tag the image.
$ docker login # Login to docker with your docker ID.
Login with your Docker ID to push and pull images from Docker Hub. If you don't have a Docker ID, head over to to create one.
Username: rohithvsm
Login Succeeded
$ docker push rohithvsm/amwebhook:1.0.0 # Push the image to docker hub.
Requires a MSP cluster or K8s cluster with Prometheus and Alertmanager (Change the namespace of the below yamls from ntnx-system to default or whatever else you like).
Create a deployment in MSP/K8s cluster using this deployment yaml which uses the image we just pushed above.
$ kubectl apply -f k8s/deploy.yaml
The deployment points to the image we just pushed:
$ git grep "image:" deploy.yaml
image: rohithvsm/rohithvsm:alertmgrwebhook
Create a service to expose the app so that alertmanager can send the alerts to its webhook endpoint using this service yaml:
$ kubectl apply -f k8s/service.yaml
Configure the alertmanager to send the alerts to our app using the webhook_configs. You can check an example in alertmanager.yaml.
$ git grep -B1 -A1 webhook_configs alertmanager.yaml
- name: ntnx-system-webhook
- url: "http://am-webhook.ntnx-system/webhook"
For a MSP cluster, base64 encode the alertmanager.yaml and create a secret and apply that. Check alertmanager-secret.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f alertmanager/alertmanager-secret.yaml
Verify that our app is receiving the alerts from Prometheus Alertmanager
$ kubectl logs am-webhook-7f4b7ccf6c-t47nm -n ntnx-system
2019/11/07 17:26:58 listening on: :80
2019/11/12 23:22:23 Alerts: GroupLabels=map[], CommonLabels=map[prometheus:ntnx-system/k8s]
2019/11/12 23:22:23 Alert: status=firing,Labels=map[alertname:KubeCPUOvercommit prometheus:ntnx-system/k8s severity:warning],Annotations=map[message:Cluster has overcommitted CPU resource requests for Pods and cannot tolerate node failure. runbook_url:]
2019/11/12 23:22:23 Alert: status=firing,Labels=map[alertname:KubeControllerManagerDown prometheus:ntnx-system/k8s severity:critical],Annotations=map[message:KubeControllerManager has disappeared from Prometheus target discovery. runbook_url:]
2019/11/12 23:22:23 Alert: status=firing,Labels=map[alertname:KubeMemOvercommit prometheus:ntnx-system/k8s severity:warning],Annotations=map[message:Cluster has overcommitted memory resource requests for Pods and cannot tolerate node failure. runbook_url:]
2019/11/12 23:22:23 Alert: status=firing,Labels=map[alertname:KubeSchedulerDown prometheus:ntnx-system/k8s severity:critical],Annotations=map[message:KubeScheduler has disappeared from Prometheus target discovery. runbook_url:]
2019/11/12 23:22:23 Alert: status=firing,Labels=map[alertname:CPUThrottlingHigh namespace:ntnx-system pod_name:fluent-bit-rgj4q prometheus:ntnx-system/k8s severity:warning],Annotations=map[runbook_url: message:Throttling 93% of CPU in namespace ntnx-system for .]
2019/11/12 23:22:23 Alert: status=firing,Labels=map[alertname:CPUThrottlingHigh container_name:fluent-bit namespace:ntnx-system pod_name:fluent-bit-rgj4q prometheus:ntnx-system/k8s severity:warning],Annotations=map[message:Throttling 98% of CPU in namespace ntnx-system for fluent-bit. runbook_url:]
2019/11/12 23:33:29 Alerts: GroupLabels=map[job:kubelet], CommonLabels=map[alertname:KubeClientErrors instance: job:kubelet prometheus:ntnx-system/k8s severity:warning]
2019/11/12 23:33:29 Alert: status=firing,Labels=map[severity:warning alertname:KubeClientErrors instance: job:kubelet prometheus:ntnx-system/k8s],Annotations=map[message:Kubernetes API server client 'kubelet/' is experiencing 1% errors.' runbook_url:]