Roadmap / guide / starting points to undestanding and making great things with React.
There are a lot of great tutorials/courses/articles/collections of articles which can help you study React, and show how to make great things with it. But as a newbie to React ecosystem, it's hard to find where to start and what you need. So I believe, it will be a good basement for your discoveries in the React's world.
Before reading futher I recommend to look into this How-To. You can find stages of studying React there. In current guide you will find more detailizations, recommendations and what to read.
- React itself
- Good start is to look through Facebook's original Tutorial and Docs (they are really great and contain important basics)
- To test some features step by step you can on Buildwithreact or use Codesandbox
- Redux
- Redux itself:
- Redux docs
- Redux in React:
- react-redux
- Getting started with redux short online course by Dan Abramov (one of React maintainers)
- Ducks modules redux architecture proposition
- useful Redux middlewares:
- redux-thunk use functions in action creaters
- redux-api-middleware handle API request in Redux style
- redux-saga if you prefer ES6 generators ;)
- Redux itself:
- MobX
- MobX docs
- Awesome Mobx huge collection of everything you have to know about MobX
- Routing
- SPA (Single page application) on Wiki is a trigger to use routing in React apps
- React Router most popular routing library
- HTML5 History API
- Animation in React
- react-motion is a good-old way to add animation to your components
- react-spring
- react-transition-group
- Form handling
- redux-form, in my opinion, is a good start to understand form handling in React and it is the oldest library of this kind.
- formik uses render-props technique under hood, and is smaller that previous one.
- final-form
- Awesome collections of articles around React:
- Best practice
- React in patterns this online-book covers main things you have to undestand with code samples.
- React patterns simple collection how to style and organise your code
- Our Best Practices for Writing React Components
- React.js Best Practices for 2016
- ImmutableJS is used mostly with Redux (follow link)
- Boilerplates and starter-kits architecture (how to organize your project)
- Facebook's create-react-app
- React starter kit
- React Redux starter kit
- React-static-template is maintained by my colleagues and me.
- Interview questions (check your understanding)