Analysis code for the ULCA HEDP group
The best way to install the package is in Anaconda's development mode. Clone the repository onto your computer (ideally using GitHub Desktop) and then follow the instructions below to link the package to Anaconda. In this development mode, any changes made to the local files (local edits or updates by pulling from github) will be automatically reflected in the Anaconda package.
(Using Anaconda)
- Open an Anaconda prompt (Windows) or a regular terminal prompt (Mac, Linux)
- Install the package dependencies by running this command from the anaconda terminal: 'conda install matplotlib h5py numpy pyqt astropy psutil'
- Install the non-conda packages required by running this command from the anaconda terminal: 'pip install bapsflib'
- Run the command 'conda develop _' where _ is the package directory path. Eg. 'conda develop /Users/peter/Documents/GitHub/uclahedp'
- Open Anaconda (close and restart if necessary) and test that the package has been added to the path by importing something, eg. "from uclahedp import tools"
- If necessary, packages can be uninstalled with 'conda develop -u _'