NodeJS client library for the Young Living Essential Oils API
Require ./lib/youngliving.js
NPM package coming soon
var yl = require('youngliving-node').youngliving();
yl.use({ member_id: 'YOUR_YL_MEMBER_ID',
password: 'YOUR_YL_PASSWORD' });
##Using the API
Once you've setup the API and/or authenticated, here is the full list of what you can do:
var period = yl.get_period(); // or pass optional date parameter for a different period.
var per_page = 200, page_number = 1;
var handle_all_members = function(err, data) {
// do something with data object.
// if there are more results, this will automatically fetch them
if( {;
yl.all_members(period, per_page, page_number, report_callback);