#CMPSCI 326: Team Wachusett
###How you can run SmallTalk:
Run SmallTalk using this line: node app.js
We also have a website now! www.small-talk.org
##Project Assignment 04 What we changed:
We started to intoduce our avatar: Shorty the Talk Bot. You can find him in the help page.
added help page: It is different for users who are logging in and for users who have yet to login. It's funny, go look at it please
Ajax implementation: We added the ability to follow/unfollow users without refreshing the page. More to come: A like/dislike feature, instant search, submitting posts, and more.
Web socket implementation: We implemented a private chat feature that uses web sockets for instantaneous updates. More to come: loading new posts, and real-time notifications.
Database: We implemented a real SQLite database, so that changes/updates are stored. Posts are saved in the database and remain visible even after the program is restarted. Further implementation is coming soon.