A data science project that uses Apriori Algorithm to generate insights for an E-commerce store
This project is about recommendation of products in order to increases sales and revenue of the e-commerce store. But through the EDA process, we managed to discover more interesting sub questions which are about Customer Segmentation and Idea on Inventory Management. Through this project we were able to practically suggest products for a customer to purchase after purchasing his/her intended product.
To run the entire project, upload these 3 data files:
- data.csv
- b_customers_data_transactions.csv
- s_customers_data_transactions.csv
Since the data filed are too big to be uploaded into github, we have uploaded it onto shared folder.
Shared folder link: https://entuedu-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/kristiya001_e_ntu_edu_sg/EsFySpLofnZGouZ_BA8-XwMBoTvfplagkqvWQzVE8s3dEg?e=xLFEOa