testcode is to print
welcome to Docker and kubernetes Deployment From rithishsamm, devops! $(hostname -f)<
This is a test page which wil be displayed to check kubernetes volume check
This is executed by pulling from SCM -> Executed by initContainer -> gets spawned in pod's emptyDir Volume -> getting served by nginx container
to pull https://github.com/rithishsammhexr/initcontainers-test.git
git clone https://github.com/rithishsammhexr/initcontainers-test.git
<h1>welcome to Docker and kubernetes Deployment From rithishsamm, devops! $(hostname -f)</h1>
<p> This is a test page which wil be displayed to check kubernetes volume check </p>
<p> This is executed by pulling from SCM -> Executed by initContainer -> gets spawned in pod's emptyDir Volume -> getting served by nginx container</p>
<p> voila! </p>
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.