Hey there 👋, I'm Spartaco!
I am a Full Stack Developer of many years of experience, with the firm conviction that the Open Sources will make the world better. 🚀
I'm an explorer of new tech, an avid learner, and I search to stay my skills up to date with the last technogiels standard and tools. When I'm not in code, I play music. I am a guitarist a singer and a DJ.
Feel free to connect with me @rez23 or via email for all things tech or just to say hello!. 🌟
Joined Github 7 years ago.
Since then I pushed 133+ commits, opened 11+ issues, submitted 0+ pull requests, created 1+ gists and contributed to 1+ public repositories.
Like My Work?
- 🛠 I’m currently working with JS, TS, C and C++.
- 🚀 I’m currently exploring ML, Gen AI, LLMs, etc.
- 💬 Ask me anything here! I am happy to help.
- 📫 Reach me out via mail.
- 💻 I love exploring new technologies and building cool stuff.
- 📰 Reading, writing & watching Tech Stuff whenever possible.
- 🍕 Meetups & Tech Events & Hackathons.