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maxim.kostenko edited this page Jun 19, 2022 · 1 revision

This class configures the behaviour of the Kompot framework. You assign it in the fragment that will be a host of the Kompot's screens and flows:

class AppKompotFragment : KompotFragment() {

    override fun config(): KompotConfig = KompotConfig(
        rootFlow = RootFlowImpl(),

Kompot config params

data class KompotConfig(
    val rootFlow: RootFlow<*, *>,
    @LayoutRes val defaultFlowLayout: Int? = R.layout.base_flow_container,
    val trimCacheThreshold: Int = DEFAULT_TRIM_CACHE_THRESHOLD,
    val savedStateEnabled: Boolean = true,
    val fullScreenEnabled: Boolean = true,

rootFlow → an instance of a root flow of your app

defaultFlowLayout → Flow hosts sequences of screens and therefore needs to have a container that will be a parent for those screens. defaultFlowLayout is a resource id of the XML layout that will be used by default for all flows opened with the framework. If no layout is specified, then R.layout.base_flow_container will be used by default for the flows. You can override a flow layout by specifying layout id for your flow:

override val layoutId = R.layout.flow_bridge_root

trimCacheThreshold → Framework caches screens and flows that are visible on the screen or reside in the back stack (if a default cache strategy for the screen is not overwritten). To limit the number of screens and flows that the framework keeps in a cache, you need to specify trimCacheThreshold. If a number of opened components exceeds this limit, the oldest screens will be cleared from a cache. In that way, a framework will keep the size of cache less or equal to trimCacheThreshold.

savedStateEnabled → denotes if the Kompot framework should restore the state of flows and screens when a parent fragment is restored from the saved state. true by default

fullScreenEnabled → whether the framework should configure an activity window for a fullscreen. true by default.