ResBaz Sydney 2021 will be a multi stream online event 23-26 November 2021. The program will feature key stories (like keynotes, but with a narrative!), workshops, short talks, demonstrations and lots of opportunities to find out about next gen tech and tools for researchers. Our program has dedicated streams for Compute, Humanities and Social Science, and Survey/ Data Collection, as well as two streams for introductory programming skills, which are open to all, regardless of skill level or discipline. Lots of breaks, lots of opportunities to find your people across institutions and disciplines, and plenty of neat tricks and hacks to level up on your nerd skills.
This website is based on the GDG Zeppelin conference website - credits at the end under Contributors
For updates, raise an issue, and, if you can, a pull request with changes.
The conference schedule is in _data/schedule.yml
Individual sessions are in _data/sessions.yml
Speaker bios are in _data/speakers.yml
Blog posts are Markdown files in the _posts section.
Banners for the sections of the main page are in img/sections-background/
Banner images are 1200x490 px
Photos of speakers are in img/people/
Speaker photos are 400x400 px, and should have filenames which match the values in the thumbnailUrl slots in speakers.yml, for eg "JaneSmith.jpg" below
id: 1
name: "Jane"
surname: "Smith"
company: "University of Research"
title: "Repository Manager"
bio: "Sample bio"
thumbnailUrl: JaneSmith.jpg
rockstar: true
- {name: "twitter", link: ""}
- Design and web development: Oleh Zasadnyy
- Idea: Vitaliy Zasadnyy
Maintainers: @tasomaniac and @ozasadnyy.
Project is published under the MIT license. Feel free to clone and modify repo as you want, but don't forget to add reference to authors :)