This repository contains docker-compose file and couples of config files to run a Vault cluster and play with it. I create this be able to test upgrade procedure.
This deployment is composed of the following services:
- Consul (in dev mode)
- 3 Vault
- Nginx
To run this just run the following command:
docker-compose up
docker-compose -d up
After the 1st boot Vault need to initialised. Pick up any Vault container and run the following command:
vault operator init \
-recovery-shares=1 \
-recovery-threshold=1 \
-key-shares=1 \
-key-threshold=1 \
You need write the unseal key has you will need it for the next step.
Once Vault is initialised you need to unseal it, on all 3 Vault instances run:
vault operator unseal <UNSEAL KEY>
You are done.
Add the following to your /etc/hosts
: vault.local
You can now play with Vault:
curl -s http://vault.local/v1/sys/health | jq
"initialized": true,
"sealed": false,
"standby": true,
"performance_standby": false,
"replication_performance_mode": "disabled",
"replication_dr_mode": "disabled",
"server_time_utc": 1582220893,
"version": "1.0.0",
"cluster_name": "vault-cluster-d470fef7",
"cluster_id": "d49e9609-b977-5572-31f9-14f710527d9b"
vault status
Key Value
--- -----
Seal Type shamir
Initialized true
Sealed false
Total Shares 1
Threshold 1
Version 1.0.0
Cluster Name vault-cluster-d470fef7
Cluster ID d49e9609-b977-5572-31f9-14f710527d9b
HA Enabled true
HA Cluster https://vault-1:8201
HA Mode standby
Active Node Address http://vault-1:8200
Once all the containers are up, you can access Consul here: http://localhost:8500
Vault here: http://vault.local