Math involves knowing maximum velocity and max acceleration. Calculates ideal velocity and position to get to desired distance.
Unit can be anything as long as it is consistant.
For example:
If we want the robot/vehicle to move 10 inches forward, then the velocity would need to be inches per second (in/sec)
and acceleration would be inches per second per second (inches/second^2).
Click here for link to KinematicTest
Before you use kinematic test make sure you configured the Hardware file correctly.
Put the number of encoder ticks per one revolution of your motor as such:
public final int ticks_per_revolution = 1440; // change 1440 to the number of ticks per rev for your motor
Do the same for wheel diameter:
public final double wheel_diameter = 4.0; // measure your wheel in the unit that you want to keep constant. EX) inches