Collection of node scripts for geo data manipulation
These scripts have been moved here from the starter (removed from the starter in pull request #81).
Inverts a given geojson file and creates a mask that can be displayed on a map to draw focus on an area. Additional info:npm run create-geojson-mask --help
This script runs through all entries in <in.csv> and tries to find a geocode specified in the column Ort
and adds the columns lat lng to each row. Then it writes the result to <out.csv>.
This script essentially rename columns columns read from <in.csv> and writes the resulting data to <out.csv>. You probably want to customize this script.
This scripts convert <in.csv> to geojson format and writes the result to <out.geojson>.
This scripts expects specific columns in <in.csv> (Vorname
, Nachname
, Ort
) - you probably want to customize this.