Customers want to run ad-hoc queries or spark jobs to pull reports from the data warehouse platform. So Data platform requires ad-hoc query execution engine to meet customer demands on the fly. Submitting jobs via REST service is not available out of box from Hadoop/Spark stack. Apache Livy service ( Still incubating projects) provides basic functionalities of the REST requirements. There is no need of any third party libraries, just submit Spark jobs through Http REST call.
This project demonstrate how to submit the Spark Jobs through REST call.
Built the spark-analytics spark projects and create the assembly.
spark analyics assembly jar is saved into HDFS /user/hadoop/parking/stream-analytics.jar
Run the application with following parameters
scala -e 'JobSubmitService' className jarHDFSPath [extraargs]
For example the main class of stream-analytics application is
scala -e 'JobSubmitService' /user/hadoop/parking/stream-analytics.jar