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Implementing Web Scrapping using Scrapy


Objective: Succeed in scraping Amazon Baby Clothing Sets products data and store it employing MongoDB Compass


  • Taken advantage of Scrapy, Pywin32, Scrapy-User-Agents and PyMongo to create a spider for scrapping
  • Applied HTML concepts and Selector Gadget Chrome Extension to select similarly placed data collectively
  • Bypassed restrictions via agents and proxies, defined pipeline and encoded extraction for multiple pages

Result: Collected scraped data of 334 documents inside the NoSQL database supported by MongoDB


  1. Pycharm
  2. Python Version - 3.10
  3. MongoDB
  4. Git and GitHub
  5. Chrome Browser


The venv folder automatically gets created in AmazonCrawling when venv is selected on creating the project and the .idea folder just stores project-related settings


HTML and Scraping Basics

Steps for Scrapping

  • Create new project in Pycharm(VENV)
  • Install packages (Only once, do upgrade) - Scrapy, pywin32 and scrapy-user-agents
  1. scrapy to do scraping
  2. pywin32 integrate pycharm to windows
  3. scrapy-user-agents to create fake users for scraping every time (No need when scrapping a site for the first time)
  • Go to terminal -> down arrow on right -> command prompt -> should have venv
  • Execute below commands
  1. scrapy startproject amazoncrawl (Only for the first time because already started when reworking on the project)
  2. cd amazoncrawl
  3. scrapy genspider amazon_spiders (Only for the first time to create spider for crawling) (Can have any name and website)
  • Go to and give variable # comment name for all the variables
  • Get the selector gadget extension on Chrome and enable it
  • Go in -> In class after name, write start_urls = ['url'] -> remove allowed domains -> xpath copy and paste -> give items['varname']= varname, yield items and pass
  • Execute the below commands in the terminal
  1. cls (clears screen)
  2. scrapy crawl amazon_spiders (Always needed to see scraped data) (Do give cd amazoncrawl when reworking on the project before this)

..items have .. representing that we're going one step/directory back to check allowed extraction from a website

  • Bypass restrictions

3 Ways to Bypass Restrictions

  1. Using Google bot user agent (Google Bot):
  • Search it and open the second link with (Take any one) (Can extract any number of pages)
  • Add this in under USER_AGENT:
USER_AGENT = 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +'
  1. Using user agents (Different users):
  • Install scrapy-user-agents.
  • With this, you do not get disallowed to access links after scrolling once through rotating 2200 agents. (Will extract 25-35 pages max)
  • Add in under middlewares:
    'scrapy.downloadermiddlewares.useragent.UserAgentMiddleware': None,
    'scrapy_user_agents.middlewares.RandomUserAgentMiddleware': 400,
  1. Use proxies (Different IP addresses):
  • Similar to 2nd.
  • Install scrapy-proxy-pool.
  • Add in, PROXY_POOL_ENABLED = True after ROBOTSTXT_OBEY = True and under middlewares:
    # ...
    'scrapy_proxy_pool.middlewares.ProxyPoolMiddleware': 610,
    'scrapy_proxy_pool.middlewares.BanDetectionMiddleware': 620,
    # ...
  • run scrapy crawl amazon_spiders again

Connect with MongoDB Compass

  • Create data -> db folder in C drive
  • Open mongod from program files and then close it after some time
  • Check that some files are there in the db folder
  • Open MongoDB Compass and click connect

Store Data in MongoDB

  • Install pymongo package
  • pymongo connects Python to Mongodb
  • Comment out ITEM_PIPELINES in
  • In,
  1. Inside init in class, add connection (using username & port number or connection_string), database and collection
  2. Add documents in the collection as a dictionary in the process_item function of class
  3. Run scrapy crawl amazon_spiders again
  4. Open MongoDB Compass and refresh
  5. The database will be there

Scrape Multiple Pages

For scraping multiple pages, in spider file, add page_number = 2 as the second line and

next_page = '' + str(AmazonSpidersSpider.page_number) + '&qid=1648063354&rnid=3576079031&ref=sr_pg_' + str(AmazonSpidersSpider.page_number)
if AmazonSpidersSpider.page_number <= 334:
    yield response.follow(next_page, callback=self.parse)
    AmazonSpidersSpider.page_number += 1

at the end of the parse() function (after yield items and before pass)

Push Code to GitHub

In the command prompt terminal, write,

  1. git init
  2. git add . && git commit -m "initial commit" (May ask for email and username if committing for the first time from your computer) (Will see n files changed)
  3. git branch -M main
  4. git remote add origin
  5. git push -u origin main (May ask for your GitHub password)








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