Implementing Web Scrapping using Scrapy
Objective: Succeed in scraping Amazon Baby Clothing Sets products data and store it employing MongoDB Compass
- Taken advantage of Scrapy, Pywin32, Scrapy-User-Agents and PyMongo to create a spider for scrapping
- Applied HTML concepts and Selector Gadget Chrome Extension to select similarly placed data collectively
- Bypassed restrictions via agents and proxies, defined pipeline and encoded extraction for multiple pages
- Pycharm
- Python Version - 3.10
- MongoDB
- Git and GitHub
- Chrome Browser
The venv folder automatically gets created in AmazonCrawling when venv is selected on creating the project and the .idea folder just stores project-related settings
HTML and Scraping Basics
- Create new project in Pycharm(VENV)
- Install packages (Only once, do upgrade) - Scrapy, pywin32 and scrapy-user-agents
- scrapy to do scraping
- pywin32 integrate pycharm to windows
- scrapy-user-agents to create fake users for scraping every time (No need when scrapping a site for the first time)
- Go to terminal -> down arrow on right -> command prompt -> should have venv
- Execute below commands
- scrapy startproject amazoncrawl (Only for the first time because already started when reworking on the project)
- cd amazoncrawl
- scrapy genspider amazon_spiders (Only for the first time to create spider for crawling) (Can have any name and website)
- Go to and give variable # comment name for all the variables
- Get the selector gadget extension on Chrome and enable it
- Go in -> In class after name, write start_urls = ['url'] -> remove allowed domains -> xpath copy and paste -> give items['varname']= varname, yield items and pass
- Execute the below commands in the terminal
- cls (clears screen)
- scrapy crawl amazon_spiders (Always needed to see scraped data) (Do give cd amazoncrawl when reworking on the project before this) to check allowed extraction from a website
- Bypass restrictions
- Using Google bot user agent (Google Bot):
- Search it and open the second link with (Take any one) (Can extract any number of pages)
- Add this in under USER_AGENT:
USER_AGENT = 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +'
- Using user agents (Different users):
- Install scrapy-user-agents.
- With this, you do not get disallowed to access links after scrolling once through rotating 2200 agents. (Will extract 25-35 pages max)
- Add in under middlewares:
'scrapy.downloadermiddlewares.useragent.UserAgentMiddleware': None,
'scrapy_user_agents.middlewares.RandomUserAgentMiddleware': 400,
- Use proxies (Different IP addresses):
- Similar to 2nd.
- Install scrapy-proxy-pool.
- Add in, PROXY_POOL_ENABLED = True after ROBOTSTXT_OBEY = True and under middlewares:
# ...
'scrapy_proxy_pool.middlewares.ProxyPoolMiddleware': 610,
'scrapy_proxy_pool.middlewares.BanDetectionMiddleware': 620,
# ...
- run scrapy crawl amazon_spiders again
- Create data -> db folder in C drive
- Open mongod from program files and then close it after some time
- Check that some files are there in the db folder
- Open MongoDB Compass and click connect
- Install pymongo package
- pymongo connects Python to Mongodb
- Comment out ITEM_PIPELINES in
- In,
- Inside init in class, add connection (using username & port number or connection_string), database and collection
- Add documents in the collection as a dictionary in the process_item function of class
- Run scrapy crawl amazon_spiders again
- Open MongoDB Compass and refresh
- The database will be there
For scraping multiple pages, in spider file, add page_number = 2 as the second line and
next_page = '' + str(AmazonSpidersSpider.page_number) + '&qid=1648063354&rnid=3576079031&ref=sr_pg_' + str(AmazonSpidersSpider.page_number)
if AmazonSpidersSpider.page_number <= 334:
yield response.follow(next_page, callback=self.parse)
AmazonSpidersSpider.page_number += 1
at the end of the parse() function (after yield items and before pass)
In the command prompt terminal, write,
- git init
- git add . && git commit -m "initial commit" (May ask for email and username if committing for the first time from your computer) (Will see n files changed)
- git branch -M main
- git remote add origin
- git push -u origin main (May ask for your GitHub password)