This app is a part of recuitment test. I thought to make it open sp you can use the code as per the provided guidelines, read following steps to get familiar to the application.
Do the bundle install
Make your own config/database.yml and secrets.yml (or you can replace guser and gpass with your email and pass in development.rb)
Do db:create, db:migrate..
After running server, you will be shown "/" home_controller's index function. Which is not publically accessible. So you will be redirected to devise's login page.
Here you can try to sign up, but it will not continue; until admin provide some secret codes to select.
So you have to create an admin user through console. i.e User.create(first_name: "atc", last_name: "asd", email: "[email protected]", password: "sample123")
Assign it the role ':admin' using rolify syntax. i.e. user.add_role :admin
give him the ability to manage all using cancancan. ie.
After creating the admin, use those credentials to login. You will be redirected to "/" after successful login.
Then go to "/secrets" to generate some codes. Use the button on interface provided. "/secrets" route is only accessible to admin.
Create desired number of codes. Codes generated will be shown on same page only to admin.
Install Redis. and run 'bundle exec sidekiq' to activate background jobs.
After codes creation, logout and try signup with some random EMAILID.
click on "Send code to above email" to get code on email. Note that code will be valid only for 30 minutes from generation.
User need to fill the correct code in order to create the account.
Then go to "/", you will see your email id and associated code.
Logout and sign in with admin credentials, go to "/secrets" .. All generated code with their association will be displayed adjacently.. for non associated code. "N/A" will be displayed.
COMMENTS are provided where ever necessary in code
Please contact if something is not clear