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aloysius edited this page Mar 19, 2021 · 1 revision

Saving your bacon

If you already have this WM installed and lose your way or don't remember bindings then press Win// to bring up the 'xmonad prompt' and use this handy list of aliased actions. If you use this a lot and would like to request additional actions for this menu then raise an issue.

WM Commands

Command What it does
inc-win increases the count of possible windows in the master area
dec-win the opposite of inc-win
struts toggles any 'struts', this will remove polybar from screen
lock activates the screensaver
kill close the currently focused application

Media Commands

Command Media action taken
mplay toggle play-pause state
mpause toggle play-pause state*
mstop stop player
mnext skip to next song
mprev skip backward
mdown decrease volume by 5%
mup increase volume by 5%
mmute mutes the sink

Binding table

Installing is all well and good but if you log in and don't know how to launch anything there could be trouble. Familiarise yourself with some of these useful bindings. A full list will be available on the wiki.

In all of the below, M is the Windows key (or whatever your Mod4 is) and S is Shift. The keys are not chords, they are sequences. M Return means "press your Windows key, let it go, then press Return". The only key chords are those using the shift key (S).

Key Binding Action
M Return Launch terminal
M p Spawn dmenu to launch applications
M Space Change to the next layout
M Tab Move to next window
M S-Tab Move to previous window
M q q Quit XMonad
M q m Open the power menu
M 1..8 Change to workspace 1 thro' 8
M ` Launch scratchpad terminal
M a q Close application
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