A Mattermost proxy that is deployable as a Docker container to Heroku
Before you start, you will need to complete a few tasks.
Follow Mattermost documentation to create one.
Create a bot access token
. You will need to add the bot to a team and channel before it will be able to post messages. When you create a bot, you will see a Token ID
. That is NOT what you are looking for. Click on Create New Token
and type in a description. This will create an Access Token
and a warning message urging you to copy it. That is the one you are looking for.
The most challenging aspect is retrieving the channel_id
. In order for the bot to be able to post messages, you need the channel_id
not name
. To do so, use the dev tools in your browser and click on the Members
button. In the network tab, you should be able to find a request similar to
You are looking for the value for in_channel
. In this case, 1oy45tbdjpej5pftygr5be7k1c
. (There are many other ways to do this, including some fancy API calls).
#checkout code base
git clone https://github.com/raft-tech/message_webhook_proxy.git
cd message_webhook_proxy
# install dependencies
npm install
# environment variables
# start the server
npm start
# health test
curl localhost:3000/
# post message
curl localhost:3000/post/channel/<channel_id>/msg/<message>
Run in development mode with nodemon
so that the server reloads on file changes.
npm run-script dev
Unit tests for the API endpoints are written in mocha
and leverage the chai
and chaiHttp
node modules.
npm test
# tag and build image
docker build -t $LOCAL_TAG .
# running container locally
docker run -p 3000:3000 \
-e MM_URL='' \
# environment config
PROXY_APP_NAME='' # from Heroku
# tag image
docker tag $LOCAL_TAG registry.heroku.com/$PROXY_APP_NAME/web && \
# push to repo
docker push $REPO/$PROXY_APP_NAME/web && \
# trigger a release
heroku container:release web -a $PROXY_APP_NAME
# Tail the logs:
heroku logs -a $PROXY_APP_NAME --tail