==> The Photos used in the HOME, SIGNUP, LOGIN pages are from;
- ursplash
- Pixels
==> Packages used in this project are ;
- React-Router-dom (npm install react-router-dom@6) for switching the pages in the navbar
- react-use-cart (npm i react-use-cart) for building a shopping cart
==> Rating stars are important to interact when the user and to give a friendly user experience to everyone uses the app , thus I have added product rating stars and to help you with that, you could just get in this source code and then you will be walked through to get your rating stars (https://codesandbox.io/p/sandbox/react-starrating-dhmyh4?file=%2Fsrc%2FApp.js%3A52%2C24&from-embed=)
==> to allow videos be played on the app , make sure you install this video player package on your terminal ;
- video player (npm install react-player), and in this article you will be guided through on how to use that package to get your video be played (https://www.tutorialspoint.com/how-to-add-a-video-player-in-reactjs)
==> to be able to use google map in react, make sure to install the google map react package using (npm install --save google-map-react)
==> For the animations I have used the React Framer Motion library.
- I have used Firebase to handle user authentication and data security in both signup and signin forms, in the link below you will find a freecodecamp docu that would walk you through on how to connect your react app with Firebase (https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/use-firebase-authentication-in-a-react-app/)