as the description implies.
opens a window on your desktop, showing the album art for the currently playing song. if the song changes and i've done my job right, the album art will react accordingly.
you need a Spotify developer account, a valid project (should be straightforward enough to create), and the following environment variables set:
in accordance to what they are set to in your account.
make sure to compile before running:
cargo build --release
simply run ./run
with an optional argument for size:
./run <size: {int or empty}>
default size is 400x400px, non resizable while running unfortunately. to stop, simply press q
or Esc
while the window is in focus, or hit ctrl-c
while the terminal you ran from is in focus.
- fix expiring token issue.
- find a way to kill the python processes on exit.
- make the window resizable (implemented-ish).
- cache images to reduce bandwidth usage (use file/album name as key?).
- make it less complicated.