Releases: quarkusio/quarkus
Releases · quarkusio/quarkus
Major changes
- #6581 - Introduce transactional observer support.
- #6574 - Support both GraalVM 19.2.1 and 19.3.1
- #6569 - Disable automatic association management in Hibernate ORM entities
- #6559 - Expose metrics from Hibernate ORM
- #6547 - Support configuring ImplicitNamingStrategy in Hibernate ORM
- #6528 - Use UBI instead of Alpine for JVM container in the generated project
- #6451 - Support configuring PhysicalNamingStrategy in Hibernate ORM
- #6375 - Use mongodb-driver-sync instead of mongo-java-driver
- #6361 - Improve Hibernate Validator localization support with RESTEasy
- #6300 - SmallRye Fault Tolerance 4.x
- #6233 - Mailer - support Qute templates
- #6204 - Upgrade to Hibernate Search 6.0.0 beta3
- #6174 - Add Support to Multiple Vault KV Paths
- #6111 - Add LDAP authentication with Elytron LDAP realm
- #5861 - Add possibility to override the logging configuration of each handler on category level
- #5272 - Unified way for extensions to register metrics
- #5147 - Add support for Vault Transit Secret Engine
- #4387 - Add the hibernate globally-quoted-identifiers parameter
Complete changelog
- #6662 - Add artemis-server to the BOM so that upgrades are consistent
- #6660 - Fix Kafka Codec Registration
- #6659 - Remove elytron-security-ldap
- #6657 - Don't fire the startup event until the vert.x producer has been initialized
- #6656 - Better utilization of Docker layer caching in native-and-ssl.adoc Dockerfile example
- #6651 - Fix typos in writing-extensions.adoc
- #6648 - Align jackson versions to 2.10.2
- #6646 - ProtoStream update, solves #5554
- #6643 - Remove synthetic flag for created acessor methods in Panache
- #6642 - Bump MicroProfile OpenTracing to 1.3.2
- #6641 - Panache entites are not marked as dirty after deserialization with Jackson
- #6638 - Qute @templatedata - rename ignoreSubclasses to ignoreSuperclasses
- #6633 - Align Validation guide with quickstart
- #6632 - Fix minor spelling mistakes in comments
- #6629 - doc: fix compilation error
- #6617 - Disable native tests execution for elytron-security-ldap
- #6614 - Trim graalvm additional build arguments
- #6613 - MongoDB with Panache : avoid to project on the class field
- #6612 - Sometimes getting an NPE when using Startup event and vertx
- #6611 - QuarkusUnitTest - detect usage of non-static fields and fail correctly
- #6610 - Disable OIDC principal claim test
- #6609 - Fix multidatasource example in Security JDBC
- #6605 - Update config yaml guide
- #6604 - Forbid native image generation from GraalVM
- #6602 - Fix simple scheduler cron triggers in JDK9+
- #6601 - Handle association manually as automatic association management was disabled
- #6600 - Simple scheduler CRON triggers do not work correctly with JDK9+
- #6599 - Make use of QuteConfig.suffixes when validating template injections
- #6598 - Failed to augment application classes when using -H:ReflectionConfigurationFiles=
- #6597 - Add Netty substitution that addresses Camel Quarkus issue
- #6595 - RESTeasy standalone does not respect max request size
- #6593 - Fix build hang on systems with low disk space
- #6592 - Bump artemis.version from 2.10.1 to 2.11.0
- #6590 - Resteasy Vert.x does not respect max body size
- #6589 - Relax datePattern to pass on Windows with cmder
- #6587 - Kafka codec are not registered for reflection
- #6586 - Support OIDC token custom principal claims
- #6585 - Disable failing OpenTracing TCK module
- #6583 - Manage Instant as MongoDB ISODate
- #6582 - Kubernetes Extension: Include openshift, knative and more in the list of supported prefixes
- #6581 - Introduce transactional observer support.
- #6578 - Fix GELF guide link
- #6577 - GELF extension guide missing in "open guide" menu option
- #6576 - OpenShift manifests now reference the correct artifact
- #6575 - Qute value resolver generator - always skip static methods
- #6574 - Support both GraalVM 19.2.1 and 19.3.1
- #6573 - Update to smallrye-jwt 2.0.12
- #6572 - Update to smallrye-jwt 2.0.12
- #6570 - Qute "if" section - support multiple conditions
- #6569 - Disable automatic association management in Hibernate ORM entities
- #6567 - Fix spelling in docs
- #6566 - PanacheMongoRepository does not deal well with instants
- #6565 - Add 'org.eclipse:yasson' to dependabot config
- #6560 - Some tiny English fixes from reading guides
- #6559 - Expose metrics from Hibernate ORM
- #6558 - Update Yasson to v1.0.6
- #6557 - Support Hibernate ORM's map entity mode
- #6556 - doc: use public inner class for reflection
- #6555 - ObjectStoreEnvironmentBean.getObjectStore should not cache the user.home during build-time
- #6553 - STM - File System Exception
- #6552 - Restore the ability to use a system property for remote-dev
- #6550 - :remote-dev mode stopped working with 1.1.0.Final
- #6548 - Improving the mailer adoc by adding quarkus.mailer.mock=false in the initial set of properties.
- #6547 - Support configuring ImplicitNamingStrategy in Hibernate ORM
- #6546 - Hibernate ORM Implicit Naming Strategy Config
- #6543 - Swallow exceptions thrown from Bean.destroy()
- #6542 - Add RX Java 2 to the list of dependency maintained by Dependabot
- #6541 - Upgrade mysql-connector-java from 8.0.18 to 8.0.19
- #6535 - Bump httpcore from 4.4.12 to 4.4.13
- #6533 - update and align RX Java 2...
Major changes
Complete changelog
- #6435 - Fix Logger.getLogger example parameter
- #6430 - Check that there is a pluginOptions child before iterating on it
- #6428 - NPE launching in dev mode with Kotlin and version 1.1.0.Final
- #6422 - Make quarkus.log.sentry.dsn required only when sentry is enabled
- #6413 - Fix Kubernetes manifest port handling
- #6409 - Improve the Neo4j guide
- #6408 - Container Port is 0 in Manifests generated by Kubernetes Extension
- #6407 - Take into account the web.xml MIME mappings in the Undertow extension
- #6403 - Typo fix in Neo4j guide
- #6399 - Mime mappings in web.xml are ignored by undertow extension
- #6398 - Improvements to STM text
- #6393 - Document how to retrieve the active profile
- #6388 - Create BuildTimeRunTimeDefaultValuesConfigSource only once
- #6387 - Add JSON-B and Jackson serialization to the Kafka guide
- #6386 - enable hot reload on application.yaml
- #6381 - Add Emitter usage to reactive messaging guides
- #6371 - fix project name in the link to legumes.html
- #6370 - docs: fix project artifact id for jackson
- #6368 - docs(qute): add link to Qute reference guide in the Qute templating engine guide
- #6367 - Document Qute template expression language
- #6362 - Update docs with import for RegisterForReflection
- #6358 - Fix elytron properties perf issues
- #6351 - fix typo in quarkus-amazon-lambda extension's maven archetype resources
- #6343 - spring-di: Handle javax.inject.Named on implict singleton bean
- #6342 - spring-di: @nAmed should be a bean defining annotation
- #6333 - Fixes spaces to be double spaces in all the examples
- #6330 - Documentation improvements
- #6328 - Fix extension descriptions
- #6325 - Ensure that Kotlin Data classes with default values work in native with JAX-RS
- #6317 - Fixes Gradle build in Scala projects
- #6316 - A generated Scala project with Gradle doesn't build
- #6312 - Added back methods mistakenly considered unused in QuarkusPluginExtension
- #6311 - A generated Kotlin project with Gradle doesn't build
- #6310 - Ensure that the Kotlin compiler adds method param names to bytecode
- #6309 - Use same all-open configuration for generated Kotlin Maven projects as Gradle
- #6305 - Only have one warning about the non-open source Sentry license
- #6302 - is not opensource
- #6301 - Introduce a deterministic ordering, between extensions, for database schema updates
- #6290 - QuarkusDevModeTest - Address Class-Path parsing issues with Java 11 and Windows
- #6284 - Add note about Sentry re-licensing to BSL
- #6282 - Fix package name of Neo4j health check
- #6280 - HotReload (extensions\vertx-http\deployment) tests fails on Windows with Java 11
- #6279 - Fix a typo in writing-extensions.adoc
- #6278 - Prevent UnsupportedOperationException in addSourcePaths
- #6277 - Mention possibility to disable JSON for non prod
- #6275 - UnsupportedOperationException when trying to run dev mode on a multi-module project.
- #6273 - Fix table design on safari and mobiles
- #6264 - Cannot @Inject MongoClient using Kotlin
- #6263 - Make application version and name available as (fixed) runtime properties
- #6257 - Fix broken call-out
- #6254 - auth-mechanism property does not exist
- #6245 - Minor cleanup in Gradle plugin
- #6235 - Fix file system path for overriding when using dev-mode with Gradle
- #6224 - Fix a small documentation error
- #6154 - Provided ManagedExecutor and ThreadContext beans should be default so that users can override them easily
- #6148 - Creation of custom MP Context Propagation objects fails
- #6041 - Kotlin data class not work without annotation
- #5942 - Flyway is not executed before Hiberrnate inside a docker container
- #3954 - Using Jackson support for Kotlin fails in native mode.
Major changes
Complete changelog
- #6218 - Allow multiple headers with same name
- #6217 - Run standalone RESTeasy in main thread pool
- #6216 - Move Spring Data JPA classes to panache to avoid dev-mode CL issue
- #6214 - Spring Data JPA custom query with countQuery breaks in dev mode
- #6201 - Use the bean index to scan subresources, check parameters and look for @context
- #6194 - Qute - escape expressions in HTML by default
- #6188 - Fix erroneous Kubernetes file name in docs
- #6187 - Kubernetes Guide says "kubernetes.yaml" instead of "kubernetes.yml"
- #6186 - Move Launching JVM log to debug level
- #6185 - Improve error message if config properties conflict
- #6183 - New "Launching JVM" log line appearing in quarkus:dev
- #6180 - Add quarkus-kafka-streams-deployment to bom/deployment
- #6167 - Let the delegate handlers decide to autoflush
- #6160 - Move Elytron substitutions to specific extension
- #6155 - Handle escaping in Qute
- #6152 - Add a doc note about YAML config prefix ambiguity
- #6143 - Revert "Upgrade GraalVM to 19.3.0"
- #6140 - only base64 encode binary types
- #6139 - Fixed annotation name in writing extensions documentation
- #6138 - Make config-yaml a full extension
- #6129 - Use the DeploymentClassLoader to transform classes
- #6126 - Use generated doc for JSON logging and fix a couple of documentation generation issues
- #6125 - Make JSON logging default to enabled
- #6124 - Update to Neo4j 4.0.0 driver, add more information to health check.
- #6119 - Upgrade SmallRye Config to 1.5.1
- #6116 - Added Documentation for YAML configuration
- #6107 - Infinispan has an Elytron security dependency but the WildFly security substitutions are not included
- #6106 - Document the usage to application.yaml
- #6104 - Ignore empty lines in jaxb.index file
- #6099 - Controller advice exception content type
- #6093 - The quarkus.index-dependency..classifier property should be optional
- #6091 - mvn quarkus:dev freezes in a project with bidirectional JPA relationships
- #6086 - Documentation for Flyway support for multiple datasources #3449
- #6082 - revert change to run()
- #6081 - Bump tika-parsers from 1.21 to 1.22 in /bom/runtime
- #6078 - Add proper artifact names for Qute
- #6077 - Fix an artemis-commons dependency convergence issue
- #6070 - JAXB extension cannot handle empty lines in jaxb.index
- #6058 - StandardCharsets.UTF_8 usage
- #6057 - Show command line in 'gradle quarkusDev' in one line
- #6053 - Update KC authorization test to return the data only if 'from-body' key exists
- #6037 - keycloak-authorization - ProtectedResource - if-check in bodyClaim
- #5921 - Database connections are leaked in AWS Lambda
- #5816 - Take controller method into account for setting content-type in @RestControllerAdvice
- #4360 - Support for the parser configuration in the properties
Major changes
- #5985 - Running gradle build no longer triggers a native build
- #5973 - Introduce YAML configuration extension
- #5960 - Document new requirements to build on Fedora
- #5934 - Upgrade of kogito to 0.6.0 and updated jandex proto gener…
- #5881 - Support logging to Sentry
- #5868 - Add support for Keycloak 8
- #5837 - Support GraalVM 19.3 with JDK 8
- #5793 - Introduce Qute templating extensions
- #5787 - Introduce support for the most common features of Spring Security's @PreAuthorize
- #5761 - Improvements to Gradle plugin build and enable gradle testing again
- #5697 - New flyway start property: quarkus.flyway.clean-at-start
- #5616 - Provides Optional support inside Hibernate with Panache and MongoDB with Panache
- #5606 - Reactive routes - usability improvements
- #5585 - Introduce logging extensibility, JSON formatter extension
- #5583 - Provides lock support for Hibernate with Panache
- #5570 - update amazon-lambda-archetype to provide SAM templates
- #5529 - Add support for Quartz clustered jobs
- #5387 - Introduce new configuration framework and update SmallRye Config version
- #5358 - Upgrade GraalVM to 19.3.0
- #5350 - Add
- #5225 - Add support for Spring Security's @secured
- #5222 - Add health checks for Mongodb, Kafka and Neo4j
- #5203 - Configuration structure improvements in the Hibernate Search extension
- #5037 - Amazon Lambda SAM CLI integration
- #4987 - Remove metrics dependency from fault-tolerance extension
- #4974 - Add support for generating knative manifests using the kubernetes extension.
- #4793 - Support Health Check for Kafka Streams extension
- #2409 - Support custom logging handlers
Complete changelog
- #6071 - Add Qute experimental status and fix metadata
- #6069 - Add Nexus Maven plugin version to Qute
- #6068 - Property handle pagination in Spring Data JPA custom queries
- #6066 - Temp workaround: use a single thread to generate native image
- #6061 - Externalize preview status doc in guides
- #6060 - Make recently added integration tests pom consistent with the rest
- #6052 - Prevent possible NPE in KotlinCompilationProvider
- #6042 - Add extension status to guides
- #6036 - Close connection in flyway tests
- #6032 - Don't fire onStart event till migrations have happened
- #6031 - Read from the process before waiting for exit
- #6030 - Properly pass Kotlin compiler plugin options to dev-mode
- #6029 - Disable HTMLUnit cache
- #6023 - Initialize ClassFieldAccessorFactory at run time
- #6022 - Improve the datasource health check feedback
- #6017 - quarkus-integration-test-kogito build fails in native mode with JDK 11
- #6016 - Remove a duplicated space from project creation error message
- #6012 - Fix org.apache.kafka.common.utils.Crc32C substitution with JDK 11
- #6009 - quarkus-integration-test-kafka build fails in native mode with JDK 11
- #6008 - Add version check of graalvm / javavm's into build tasks
- #6005 - Allow anonymous roots and provide config classes for all quarkus. config
- #6002 - #5950 Pulling up user creation in Dockerfile for layer caching
- #6000 - Fix Jackson integration test imports
- #5999 - Remove Override annotation from generated bytecode
- #5997 - Fix jackson integration test
- #5995 - Get correct map key for config maps of maps, with tests
- #5993 - integration-tests/jackson fails in native mode
- #5991 - Use getHandler helper method in logging tests
- #5989 - Allow anonymous config roots
- #5988 - Fix "Class-Path" parsing issues in -dev.jar generated by Gradle
- #5987 - BOM - exclude jakarta.ejb-api in the jakarta.interceptor-api dependency
- #5986 - Avoid using MAVEN_OPTS as a command line argument
- #5985 - Running gradle build no longer triggers a native build
- #5984 - Fixed Gradle config instructions
- #5983 - Add missing Spring Controller templates for Kotlin and Scala
- #5982 - Map config item with the map values gets the wrong keys
- #5981 - [fixes #5959] - Error when processing request body from policy enforcer
- #5980 - Quarkus shows warning messages for properties that are actually used but not part of config classes
- #5979 - Fix minor formatting issue in building-native-image guide
- #5977 - update directory for kotlin guide maven archetype
- #5975 - Upgrade to Hibernate ORM 5.4.10.Final
- #5973 - Introduce YAML configuration extension
- #5972 - Improve GraalVM detection by asking the version to native-image
- #5961 - Sentry tests - getSentryHandler method to reduce duplicated code
- #5960 - Document new requirements to build on Fedora
- #5959 - Keycloak Claim Information Point - NPE when trying to read body
- #5954 - CDI ref guide - document eager instantiation of beans
- #5953 - Docs: Add extension block
- #5952 - Quarkus Security 1.0.1.Final
- #5950 - Pull up adduser in Dockerfile.jvm
- #5949 - Fix XML content handling in Spring Web Controller
- #5945 - Added some documentation about jax-rs applications and @OpenAPIDefinition
- #5944 - Initial token validation support for the issuer and audience claims
- #5943 - Spring Web JAX-B provider NullPointerException
- #5941 - Use ApplicationScoped for Artemis ServerLocator and ConnectionFactory
- #5937 - Move to RUNTIME_INIT all security related build items
- #5934 - Upgrade of kogito to 0.6.0 and updated jandex proto gener…
- #5932 - MainClassBuildStep - log error when app fails to start
- [#5930](
Major changes
- #5813 - Fix security issue related to the inclusion of annotations on secured method parameters
Complete changelog
- #5813 - Fix security issue related to the inclusion of annotations on secured method parameters
- #5805 - Fixes the extension author guide WRT the new quarkus-extension.yaml
- #5803 - Fix various usability issues in Spring @RestControllerAdvice handling
- #5796 - @RestControllerAdvice that returns an object but handles errors from a void controller method does not return json
- #5786 - Upgrade jandex-maven-plugin to 1.0.7
- #5777 - Fix AnalysisConfigurer example in Hibernate Search documentation
- #5763 - @Valid and @RolesAllowed conflict since 1.0.0.CR2
- #5759 - Bump Jandex to 2.1.2.Final
- #5746 - Various minor adjustments to the HTTP reference documentation
- #5737 - Fix typo in REST Client guide
- #5736 - doc: document how to use 999-SNAPSHOT of quarkus
- #5687 - document how to use 999-SNAPSHOT of quarkus with a universe-platform based project
- #5512 - Add more tests for ResponseEntity handling
- #5329 - fixed typo
Major changes
Complete changelog
- #5725 - Added decision table section into kogito guide
- #5723 - Remove unused "libDir" param
- #5717 - Vault Extension Serialization Error in Native Mode at Runtime Fixes #5636
- #5714 - Kogito with Decision table NullPointerException
- #5690 - Add FormAuth smoke test to Elytron package and Vert.x http package
- #5689 - quarkus.http.auth.form.cookie-name is actually not configurable
- #5684 - Create parent dir(s) explicitly while creating a new zip file using ZipFileSystem
- #5683 - quarkus-maven-plugin libDir configuration entry is being ignored
- #5680 - Exception when directory doesn't exist with quarkus-maven-plugin
- #5679 - Include the reason compilation failed for Kotlin
- #5674 - Fix writing-native-applications-tips guide typos
- #5673 - writing-native-applications-tips including-resources filename in snippet wrong
- #5672 - Add a preview note in the guides of preview extensions
- #5669 - Fixes list and add extensions commands
- #5664 - Fix for bootstrap resolver building the classpath for augmentation from the platform deps
- #5658 - Indicate in the guides the extensions that are preview
- #5652 - Take into account repeated constraint annotations
- #5648 - quarkus-maven-plugin pulls bad -deployment dependencies
- #5636 - Vault Extension Serialization Error in Native Mode at Runtime
- #5629 - Agroal is missing essential metadata labels
- #5623 - fix(vertx): do not log a warning about missing json support when vertx extension is present
- #5617 - Added BeanArchiveIndexBuildItem to be used for searching for secured classes
- #5614 - Vert.x also provides a JSON implementation so no warning should be emitted
- #5612 - Update SmallRye Metrics to 2.3.1
- #5598 - Fix PanacheQuery.firstResult()
- #5589 - PanacheQueryImpl.firstResult() retrieves more than one item from the database
- #5549 - Repeated constraints are not supported
- #5071 - Private injection on smallrye-metrics
Major changes
Complete changelog
- #5607 - Check MAVEN_HOME env var instead of M2_HOME in bootstrap
- #5605 - Set the lower boundary of the default range for Quarkus platforms to 1.0.0.CR2
- #5582 - Second batch of modifications for #2299
- #5581 - Document replacement for HttpServletRequest
- #5573 - Terminate request scope before sending JAX-RS response
- #5571 - Update to SmallRye OpenAPI 1.1.20
- #5569 - MicroProfile TCK OpenTracing failures
- #5568 - Fix various JAXB issues
- #5566 - Place json configuration files next to thin jar when building
- #5564 - Replacing with quarkus.platform.version
- #5559 - Document lifecycle of JAX-RS resources
- #5558 - ClassNotFoundException: com.sun.xml.bind.v2.ContextFactory when using jaxb for native image
- #5557 - Add the Jackson exception to the Writing native applications tips guide
- #5553 - Change compile quarkus:dev to just quarkus:dev in Maven plugin's output
- #5547 - Specify keycloak version in tests
- #5545 - doc(*): Clean loggers
- #5536 - BearerTokenAuthorizationTest is failing
- #5535 - close handlers and free all associated resources.
- #5533 - fix: remove build warning by making injected spring data jpa fragments protected in a generated repository
- #5524 - build(BOM): Upgrade Swagger UI to 3.24.3
- #5522 - LogManager GENERIC_FAILURE on Windows 10
- #5519 - refactor: remove trailing usage of @substratetest
- #5518 - Explicitly disable the clustering on the web Vert.x instance.
- #5517 - Allow falling back to the bundled platform in case quarkus-platform-descriptor-json:jar couldn't be resolved
- #5515 - add hibernate-jpamodelgen to bom
- #5510 - Show more robust gradle graal configuration in docs
- #5509 - Ensure resolver tests runs unaffected by local ~/.m2 repo
- #5507 - Quarkus HTTP 3.0.0.Final
- #5506 - Quarkus Security 1.0.0.Final
- #5505 - Opentracing without Servlet
- #5504 - Remove Servlet specific auth from JAX-RS
- #5503 - Gizmo 1.0.0.Final
- #5502 - Platform resolver to fallback to the bundled platform if the artifact metadata is there but not the artifacts themselves
- #5501 - Platform resolver fails in offline mode when the local repo contains metadata but not the artifacts
- #5495 - Upgrade to Hibernate ORM 5.4.9.Final
- #5490 - Support MappedSuperclass in our Spring Data JPA compatibility layer
- #5486 - [fixes #5397] - Updating guide to include path permissions
- #5482 - Upgrade to RESTEasy 4.4.1.Final
- #5477 - Fix #2299: mention service files in extension guide
- #5476 - Remove duplicate dependency from integration test module
- #5473 - Add oidc to OpenID Connect keywords
- #5472 - OpenId connect extension should be associated with the OIDC tag
- #5469 - issue 5463 - Clarify Hibernate ORM property setting in prod
- #5468 - docs: change servlet to route in swagger-ui path documentation since the endpoint is not served by servlets anymore
- #5467 - Fix various typos recently introduced in the Transaction guide
- #5466 - ArC - fix resolution if the required type is wildcard
- #5465 - Fix for #1942
- #5463 - Make an explicit section on Hibernate ORM in production with the different defaults
- #5451 - Register response.closeHandler() in VertxBlockingOutput and test for clients closing connections
- #5443 - Thread locked after stress test
- #5442 - Issue 5440 - Link to Infinispan Query DSL is broken on the documentation
- #5440 - Link to Infinispan Query DSL is broken on the documentation
- #5437 - Add conversions table between Spring annotations and Quarkus ones
- #5431 - Prevent @bean annotated methods from producing a bean if class doesn't use @configuration
- #5427 - Updated mailer docs with option for google password auth , issue #4510
- #5419 - smallrye-jwt can not be used with JAX-RS and smallrye-open-tracing
- #5418 - Avoid the re-creation of the event loops
- #5415 - Take Spring Data Pageable's Sort into account
- #5414 - Fix the application-type property in the oidc web authentication guide
- #5409 - Ensure that the manifest of the generated jar is the first entry
- #5407 - removing reference to the authorization part
- #5406 - Spring data Jpa extension : sort with Pageable does not work
- #5399 - java.util.jar.JarInputStream.getManifest() returns null for quarkus-runner.jar
- #5397 - security-openid-connect-web-authentication.adoc is out of sync with current code base and related quickstart
- #5396 - Interceptor resolution - fix handling of default values of bindings
- #5395 - Make @ResponseStatus on a void controller advice method optional
- #5393 - Follow the Spring ComponentScan rule to create beans
- #5392 - void return type in Spring
should work without a @ResponseStatus annotation - #5391 - Add exception handler description in Spring web docs
- #5390 - Adding a reflection configuration file fails when building native using Docker
- #5385 - Use Class.forName to prevent IllegalAccessError
- #5376 - Build fails with OpenAPI and Optional QueryParam
- #5374 - ClassCastException in Spring Web when both a controller method and an advice method return ResponseEntity
- #5373 - @InterceptorBinding no longer recognized/fired when they have additional fields
- #5370 - Support spring-web wildcard syntax in @RequestMapping
- #5369 - ci: activate CI for jpa-without-entity integrations native test
- #5368 - Run native-image tests for quarkus-integration-test-jpa-without-entity on CI
- #5365 - Generated Gradle code should use the build/ directory
- #5347 - Ensure that the name of the generated Spring data repositories is unique
- #5346 - ZipResourceLoader fix to compile with Java 13
- #5344 - Include the original exception that c...
Major changes
Complete changelog
- #5199 - Fix instructions in Dockerfile.native
- #5198 - Fix instructions for using docker to build native image
- #5191 - fix command line that scaffold gradle project
- #5189 - Update to GraalVM SDK 19.2.1
- #5187 - Move port check back to correct place
- #5186 - Unable to change debug port in dev mode
- #5182 - fixes: NoSuchFileException in logs and improper caching in devmode after removing a html file
Major changes
Complete changelog
- #5181 - fix (#5174): Add sundrio exclusion in kubernetes extension.
- #5180 - Add missing types supported by our configuration in writing-extensions.adoc
- #5179 - Allow configuring the worker thread pool checker.
- #5177 - New pictures for the new theme on the web site.
- #5176 - quarkus.vertx.max-worker-execute-time not picking up
- #5174 - Incorrect error page in dev mode when quarkus-kubernetes is in the classpath
- #5173 - Fixes overriding of extensions
- #5169 - Fix documentation: PT is prepended to duration values, not appended
- #5161 - Always use the hosted pool for JDK runs
- #5072 - Documentation gap fo extension authors guide: Configuration Value Types lacks java.time.*
- #4715 - fix(docs): propose a mapKey for generated config docs of a Map config item only for config group
- #4700 - Doc generation - issue with passthrough maps
Major changes
- #5092 - Unify the guide URLs for better consistency
Complete changelog
- #5162 - Also configure the Surefire plugin in the Maven IT
- #5159 - Null check for multi value headers
- #5156 - Fix a few quickstarts broken links
- #5154 - Update CI to support overflow into an expansion pool
- #5151 - Don't log IOException at ERROR
- #5149 - Add a few reflection registration for Narayana
- #5148 - Use Files.walk() within a try-with-resources statement
- #5145 - narayana native mode ObjectStoreEnvironmentBean no-parameter constructor
- #5141 - Ensure and kubernetes.registry are used
- #5140 - Add a JBoss API spec exclusion that is somehow missed by the enforcer
- #5137 - Reorder JWT guide to be more consistent with others
- #5136 - Still seeing channel closed on Firefox and 0.27
- #5135 - Quarkus Kubernetes Dekorate partially applied
- #5132 - Fix unclosed InputStreams
- #5131 - Remove quarkus-caffeine ReflectiveClassBuildItem duplicate
- #5130 - Fix native image doc inconsistency
- #5127 - Add configurable cron expression example in scheduler guide
- #5126 - Document how to make Scheduler cron configurable via config
- #5124 - Fix: rest-client-multipart guide
- #5122 - Ensure @ConfigProperties validation works in native mode
- #5121 - Fix MP Config TCKs to only exclude two failing tests
- #5120 - Cleanup platformBomXXX and templates
- #5119 - Rename amazon-lambda-http-it to amazon-lambda-http for consistency
- #5117 - Restore the Maven cache for TCK runs
- #5114 - Avoid null in list-extensions output
- #5112 - Properly check empty native image options for Maven and Gradle
- #5111 - Inconsistent guides for native image
- #5110 - Native build fails when additionalBuildArg is commented out
- #5108 - Bean that has a bound interceptor must not declare final methods
- #5107 - Update Health guide to utilize MP Health 2.1 features
- #5102 - Add gradle warning to fix #5081
- #5099 - keycloak-authorization feature item and minor improvements to guide
- #5097 - Generated docs are sometimes overridden when running full build
- #5096 - issue #5095: Resteasy Standalone + Virtual HTTP (azure/aws) NPE
- #5095 - Resteasy Standalone NPE with Virtual Http
- #5092 - Unify the guide URLs for better consistency
- #5090 - issue #4771 - Update extension metadata
- #5088 - Adjust the tone of the Panache/Repository guide for JPA and Mongo
- #5087 - Fixes #5080
- #5086 - StandardCharsets.UTF_8 usage
- #5085 - Set a higher timeout for MicroProfile TCK runs
- #5084 - Use platform for project create
- #5081 - Mark gradle support as preview until we fix the last hiccups in the next few weeks
- #5080 - MP Fault Tolerance TCK - Fix excluded tests
- #5078 - Fix of hasNonArquillianDataProvider which resolves always to true
- #5077 - ComponentsProviderGenerator - break getComponents into multiple methods
- #5076 - Fix Category.getDescription() and adjust setDescription
- #5070 - Fix the reactive route guide
- #5069 - issue #5067 - Fix link to quarkus-realm
- #5068 - Explicitly add the
command to navigate into the generated directory - #5067 - 404 in oidc web app guide
- #5066 - Remove private field injection from within our own extensions.
- #5065 - fix: remove warning sentence about smallrye issue
- #5064 - Creation extension command needs artifactIdPrefix
- #5063 - ComponentsProviderGenerator - break the generated getComponents() method for large deployments into multiple methods
- #5061 - Include the original exception that caused Quarkus startup to fail
- #5060 - Make application class name stable
- #5059 - java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: SERVER_SENT_EVENTS_TYPE when building with gradle
- #5058 - Include Throwable in startup error log message
- #5057 - Tweak Agroal configuration reference documentation
- #5056 - CORS headers may not be sent on 403
- #5055 - docs: Updating command to generate native in Docker
- #5054 - Fixes related to resolving Quarkus platform descriptor versions
- #5053 - Make @claim injection work when using OIDC
- #5050 - Fix MP Config TCK tests as part of #4516
- #5049 - Minor OIDC guide update add version to keycloak
- #5048 - Minor JWT guide updates
- #5047 - Update guides following quickstarts renaming
- #5045 - Fix Security extension metadata
- #5044 - Generate documentation file for config group
- #5043 - quarkus-security extension has incorrect quarkus-extension.yaml
- #5041 - Fix gradle quarkusBuild command
- #5039 - Unlist unlisted in list-extensions
- #5036 - Gradle plugin Uber-jar to use quarkus.package.uber-jar=true like Maven
- #5035 - Documentation : Jackson Java 8 modules and a small correction
- #5034 - Fixes #5018 and enables last MP REST TCK test
- #5031 - Polish the Datasource configuration and explain the JDBC driver limits
- #5029 - Typo corrections
- #5028 - Remove deprecated smallrye-open-api method overrides
- #5026 - Re-enable MpMetricTest
- #5025 - Re-apply docs change for Kotlin
- #5024 - Suppress misleading jandex registration warnings for Spring Web
- #5022 - Use a boolean for unlisted in Jaeger metadata
- #5021 - Add the zlib1g-dev package to the list of required package
- #5019 - OIDC Error Handling for invalid & expired tokens
- #5018 - ScopeInfo should have a public constructor
- #5014 - Re-enable org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.test.MpMetricTest
- [#5012](