released this
07 Jan 08:55
Major changes
Complete changelog
#6435 - Fix Logger.getLogger example parameter
#6430 - Check that there is a pluginOptions child before iterating on it
#6428 - NPE launching in dev mode with Kotlin and version 1.1.0.Final
#6422 - Make quarkus.log.sentry.dsn required only when sentry is enabled
#6413 - Fix Kubernetes manifest port handling
#6409 - Improve the Neo4j guide
#6408 - Container Port is 0 in Manifests generated by Kubernetes Extension
#6407 - Take into account the web.xml MIME mappings in the Undertow extension
#6403 - Typo fix in Neo4j guide
#6399 - Mime mappings in web.xml are ignored by undertow extension
#6398 - Improvements to STM text
#6393 - Document how to retrieve the active profile
#6388 - Create BuildTimeRunTimeDefaultValuesConfigSource only once
#6387 - Add JSON-B and Jackson serialization to the Kafka guide
#6386 - enable hot reload on application.yaml
#6381 - Add Emitter usage to reactive messaging guides
#6371 - fix project name in the link to legumes.html
#6370 - docs: fix project artifact id for jackson
#6368 - docs(qute): add link to Qute reference guide in the Qute templating engine guide
#6367 - Document Qute template expression language
#6362 - Update docs with import for RegisterForReflection
#6358 - Fix elytron properties perf issues
#6351 - fix typo in quarkus-amazon-lambda extension's maven archetype resources
#6343 - spring-di: Handle javax.inject.Named on implict singleton bean
#6342 - spring-di: @nAmed should be a bean defining annotation
#6333 - Fixes spaces to be double spaces in all the examples
#6330 - Documentation improvements
#6328 - Fix extension descriptions
#6325 - Ensure that Kotlin Data classes with default values work in native with JAX-RS
#6317 - Fixes Gradle build in Scala projects
#6316 - A generated Scala project with Gradle doesn't build
#6312 - Added back methods mistakenly considered unused in QuarkusPluginExtension
#6311 - A generated Kotlin project with Gradle doesn't build
#6310 - Ensure that the Kotlin compiler adds method param names to bytecode
#6309 - Use same all-open configuration for generated Kotlin Maven projects as Gradle
#6305 - Only have one warning about the non-open source Sentry license
#6302 - is not opensource
#6301 - Introduce a deterministic ordering, between extensions, for database schema updates
#6290 - QuarkusDevModeTest - Address Class-Path parsing issues with Java 11 and Windows
#6284 - Add note about Sentry re-licensing to BSL
#6282 - Fix package name of Neo4j health check
#6280 - HotReload (extensions\vertx-http\deployment) tests fails on Windows with Java 11
#6279 - Fix a typo in writing-extensions.adoc
#6278 - Prevent UnsupportedOperationException in addSourcePaths
#6277 - Mention possibility to disable JSON for non prod
#6275 - UnsupportedOperationException when trying to run dev mode on a multi-module project.
#6273 - Fix table design on safari and mobiles
#6264 - Cannot @Inject MongoClient using Kotlin
#6263 - Make application version and name available as (fixed) runtime properties
#6257 - Fix broken call-out
#6254 - auth-mechanism property does not exist
#6245 - Minor cleanup in Gradle plugin
#6235 - Fix file system path for overriding when using dev-mode with Gradle
#6224 - Fix a small documentation error
#6154 - Provided ManagedExecutor and ThreadContext beans should be default so that users can override them easily
#6148 - Creation of custom MP Context Propagation objects fails
#6041 - Kotlin data class not work without annotation
#5942 - Flyway is not executed before Hiberrnate inside a docker container
#3954 - Using Jackson support for Kotlin fails in native mode.
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