released this
03 Jun 16:16
Major changes
Complete changelog
#9624 - Gradle projects ignore openapi.yaml
#9618 - Bump quarkus-http.version from 3.0.8.Final to 3.0.9.Final
#9610 - Fix ignored Kubernetes client properties in S2I IS check
#9608 - Rename credentials-provider-type into credentials-provider-name
#9607 - Make sure validation can work even when a jar doesn't contain beans
#9605 - KubernetesClientException - not working on Windows
#9599 - Fix intermittent JaxRSTestCase failure
#9598 - Validation of REST input/output classes defined as dependency
#9596 - Do not show info message on datasource startup
#9595 - Fix issue with running tests in the IDE
#9584 - Attempt to fix more Mongo test failures
#9583 - Configuration properties references for keycloak-authorization extension
#9582 - Gradle: resources dir related fixes
#9579 - Revert "Set Hibernate ORM connection handling strategy to BEFORE_TRANSACTION_COMPLETION"
#9578 - Connection handling regression with Hibernate ORM in 1.5.0.CR1
#9571 - Don't wait for application to be stopped, if it's not even started
#9568 - IfBuildProfile/UnlessBuildProfile - add support for interceptors
#9567 - Add documentation for Consul extension
#9566 - QuarkusDevModeTest freezes when it fails during the loading
#9564 - Add documentation for Spring Cache extension
#9563 - Add documentation about the Minikube extension
#9562 - Make sure to use normalised paths
#9560 - Manage kafka-streams-test-utils version in quarkus-bom
#9557 - Set LogManager for all failsafe executions
#9554 - Amazon Lambda Docs update
#9553 - Amazon Lambda Test Framework - Improved error handling for shutdown
#9552 - Add Credentials Provider Documentation
#9549 - Fix flyway resource inclusion in native image when build is triggered from a Windows machine
#9546 - @IfBuildProfile not working on Interceptor
#9543 - (1.5.0.CR1) Qute Template not found
#9535 - Bump commons-codec to version 1.14
#9534 - Fix gRPC logging
#9533 - Bump Caffeine to version 2.8.4
#9531 - Speed up Flyway by preventing it from doing classpath scanning
#9528 - Update MP Metrics API to 2.3.2
#9525 - Disable CP cache when using forced dependencies
#9524 - Attempt to fix intermittent Mongo failures
#9519 - Fix CodeFlowTest
#9516 - Handle .exe extension if guessing path to Windows native executable
#9515 - 1.5.0.CR1 ClassCastException in multi-module maven project
#9514 - Ensure that RunnerClassloader can read directory resources
#9513 - Flyway didn't works using fast-jar
#9512 - Better TCCL handling in @QuarkusTest
#9511 - ClassCastException for QuarkusTestResourceLifecycleManager across modules in gradle
#9508 - Attempt to fix intermittent failure
#9507 - Another fix for the AMQP test
#9502 - Read Lambda ClientContext correctly
#9500 - Reduce grpc verbosity
#9499 - Fix Quartz doc formatting
#9488 - Fix broken primitive default values in @ConfigProperties
#9485 - VertxProducer - simplify code, get rid of synchronization
#9484 - Escaping JSON strings in QuarkusErrorServlet
#9481 - Simple HTTP request fail with server error 500, when using JDK 11 HTTP client and websocket installed
#9475 - Define durable queue in broker.xml
#9472 - Make ArC intercept default methods
#9471 - Gradle devmode: set quarkus.application.* properties
#9463 - Bad JSON returned from the default QuarkusErrorServlet
#9456 - Bean verticles injecting @singleton beans cause NPE during application shutdown
#9454 - OIDC CodeFlowTest has become unstable
#9443 - Amazon services - cosmetics - rename variables in common processors
#9417 - Gradle: test case to make sure beans from other module's test config can be injected
#9413 - Amazon KMS + SES extensions
#9407 - Fix MongoDB Panache projection
#9395 - Parsing clientContext header seems to be broken in quarkus-amazon-lambda extension
#9390 - Enable Hibernate ORM multitenancy IT on CI
#9389 - Enable CI coverage for the Hibernate Multi-tenancy integration tests
#9388 - Added support for @InjectSpy
#9377 - add @InjectSpy feature
#9311 - Add kdoc for developers and add autoboxing code for non-nullable ID types
#9299 - Dev mode test gets stuck if there are no classes/resources in src/main
#9273 - Exception java.util.ServiceConfigurationError thrown
#9177 - java.util.NoSuchElementException: Property not found
#8967 - Quarkus Microprofile GraphQL documentation
#8469 - documentation for Keycloak authorization is insufficient
#7188 - PanacheRepository injected methods cannot be made transactional
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