This library is a test runner for Bazel lisp_test
rules. To use it, define a
rule which has //ace/test
in its deps:
load("//lisp/devtools/bazel:rules.bzl", "lisp_library", "lisp_test")
name = "foo-test",
srcs = ["foo-test.lisp"],
deps = [
Then use the ace.test
package, which defines the deftest
macro, and use
or check
to implement test assertions:
(defpackage #:foo-test
(:use #:common-lisp #:ace.test #:foo))
(in-package #:foo-test)
(deftest test-something ()
(expect (equal (something) expected-value)))
The Bazel --test_filter
flag can
be used to run a subset of the tests defined in the target. Pass a test name or
a comma-separated list of test names to run.