This is the repository containing the R codes and data for the following paper:
For potential code questions please contact Qiang Yang by [email protected]
Files in this repository include:
- R codes for reproducing the result and figure of the paper.
foodweb.motif.png: the network structure of the food-web modules
adjacent_matrix_list.Rdata: the adjacent matrix of the food-web modules
mydata_foodweb_set_new_method.Rdata: food-webs constructed
all_noise_combinations.Rdata: characteristics of the environmental stochasticity
mydata_ALL_NOISE_DATASET.Rdata: time series of generated environmental stochasticity
mydata_stability.Rdata: the stability of each food-web under each regime of environmental stochasticity
mydata_stability.mean.Rdata: the mean stability value of each food-web under the 50 'replicate' regimes of environmental stochasticity
df.mod.Rdata: the main result of the random forest modeling that was used to plot Fig. 5
sensitivity.result.species.identity.Rdata: the main result of the sensitivity analysis on the identity of species receiving the perturbation
sensitivity.result.time.range.variability.Rdata: the main result of the sensitivity analysis on the simulation time
df.stability.0.01.Rdata: the main result of the sensitivity analysis on the magnitude of the environmental stochasticity