WORK - Will always result in a positive money gain, but a small one. Also takes longer time to regenerate.
CRIME - High risk, high reward
PICK UP COIN FROM THE GROUND - Pretty self explanatory
MARKETPLACE - Buy armored chickens, bribe the judge + level dependent unlocks
UPGRADE - Upgrades the productivity of chickens in generating income
Buy a chicken for 50 coins, and bet a minimum of 50 coins with the bet slider. Double your money or lose them. Be the richest chicken mogul around!
Notes for future releases and known bugs:
- Add possibility of bank loans and ability to lose the game if the interest rate exceeds the income amount of chickens
- Make the save button functional
- Add high-scores
- More upgrades
- Add animation to the fight with chickens
- Add more interactive sounds
- Add background
- Change columns to resize properly when using full screen
- Make the log display different messages for gaining or losing a crime
- Make the log display different messages when you work
Features added and bugs fixed:
- Upgrades, upgrades, upgrades!
- Animations slowed down
- Slider bug fix
- Sounds, sounds and music
- Crime/win amount decimal bug fix
- Console/Log bug fixes
- Colors added
- Welcome screen and tutorial added
- Level system added
- Graphics improved
- Marketplace added
Idea based off of unbelievable boat Discord BOT -
Sound effects obtained from