Grind for vanity keypairs, grind 指的是生成固定前缀的地址
用法 solana-keygen grind --starts-with <prefix>
我想到应用场景是 0 转账攻击
核心逻辑在 solana 源码 keygen/src/
和 clap-utils/src/
pub fn keypair_from_seed_phrase(
keypair_name: &str,
skip_validation: bool,
confirm_pubkey: bool,
derivation_path: Option<DerivationPath>,
legacy: bool,
) -> Result<Keypair, Box<dyn error::Error>> {
let seed_phrase = prompt_password(format!("[{keypair_name}] seed phrase: "))?;
let seed_phrase = seed_phrase.trim();
let passphrase_prompt = format!(
"[{keypair_name}] If this seed phrase has an associated passphrase, enter it now. Otherwise, press ENTER to continue: ",
let keypair = if skip_validation {
let passphrase = prompt_passphrase(&passphrase_prompt)?;
if legacy {
keypair_from_seed_phrase_and_passphrase(seed_phrase, &passphrase)?
} else {
let seed = generate_seed_from_seed_phrase_and_passphrase(seed_phrase, &passphrase);
keypair_from_seed_and_derivation_path(&seed, derivation_path)?
// ...
可以看到 solana 有两种 keypair 的生成方式
助记词: cereal uniform print regret once ocean oxygen okay exclude hollow force obtain
地址: EpCkVjyF571saE6wdckx1LSWkYsDQPS3qNNdbkGiCfNt
solana-keygen recover --outfile temp
Recovered pubkey
. Continue? (y/n):
可见恢复出的地址不对 solana-keygen new
和 solana-keygen recover
默认都用 legacy 方法进行 助记词->私钥 转换
solana cli 导入助记词 需要加上参数 'prompt://?key=0/0'
指明用 derive_path 方法处理助记词,这样就得到跟 solflare 钱包一样的地址了
w@w:~/sol_keys$ solana-keygen recover 'prompt://?key=0/0' --outfile temp
[recover] seed phrase:
[recover] If this seed phrase has an associated passphrase, enter it now. Otherwise, press ENTER to continue:
Recovered pubkey `"EpCkVjyF571saE6wdckx1LSWkYsDQPS3qNNdbkGiCfNt"`. Continue? (y/n):
用 typescript 写个单元测试进行验证
import * as bip39 from 'bip39';
// const bip39 = require('bip39');
import { Keypair } from '@solana/web3.js';
import { derivePath } from 'ed25519-hd-key';
test('sol_mnemonic', () => {
const mnemonic = "cereal uniform print regret once ocean oxygen okay exclude hollow force obtain";
const derivationPath = `m/44'/501'/0'/0'`; // SOL奇葩的是没有UTXO找零地址change
const seed = bip39.mnemonicToSeedSync(mnemonic);
const derivedSeed = derivePath(derivationPath, seed.toString('hex')).key;
const keypair = Keypair.fromSeed(derivedSeed);
跟 solflare 一样用的 助记词+derive_path 生成私钥,过程就不演示了
看来主流钱包都不用这个 legacy 方式的地址生成,开发者不需要掌握 legacy keypair 生成规则
let mnemonic = bip39::Mnemonic::parse_in_normalized(bip39::Language::English, mnemonic).unwrap();
let seed = mnemonic.to_seed("");
let coin_type_sol = 501;
let account_idx = 0;
let addr_idx = 0;
// SOL比较奇葩derive_path没有找零地址
// let change = 0; // UTXO找零地址
let derivation_path = format!("m/44'/{coin_type_sol}'/{account_idx}'/{addr_idx}'");
let derivation_path: ed25519_dalek_bip32::DerivationPath =
let private_key = ed25519_dalek_bip32::ExtendedSigningKey::from_seed(&seed)
let indexes = vec![
44 | (1 << 31),
coin_type_sol | (1 << 31),
account_idx | (1 << 31),
// change,
// let indexes2 = [
// ChildIndex::hardened(44).unwrap(),
// ChildIndex::hardened(coin_type_sol).unwrap(),
// ChildIndex::hardened(0).unwrap(),
// ChildIndex::normal(0).unwrap(),
// ];
// let private_key2 = ed25519_dalek_bip32::ExtendedSigningKey::from_seed(&seed)
// .unwrap()
// .derive(&indexes2)
// .unwrap();
// assert_eq!(private_key.signing_key, private_key2.signing_key);
let private_key3 = slip10_ed25519::derive_ed25519_private_key(&seed, &indexes);
assert_eq!(private_key.signing_key.to_bytes(), private_key3);
两个库 slip10_ed25519 和 ed25519_dalek_bip32 都能将 seed 处理成 私钥
slip10_ed25519 是 sui 源码在用,由于 Rust 孤儿规则限制,sui 用 new type 设计模式包了下 ed25519 去实现 sui 源码定义的 fastcrypto 或者 signer 相关 trait
w@w:~/sol_keys$ solana-keygen new --no-bip39-passphrase --outfile no_derive_path
Generating a new keypair
Wrote new keypair to no_derive_path
pubkey: 8sP2do52kmKYGiWiDRs2hRQRr8KJviS36u3nyzxs2Azs
Save this seed phrase to recover your new keypair:
issue name secret genuine emerge appear please midnight have clown peanut catalog
w@w:~/sol_keys$ solana-keygen recover --outfile no_derive_path.recover
[recover] seed phrase:
[recover] If this seed phrase has an associated passphrase, enter it now. Otherwise, press ENTER to continue:
Recovered pubkey `"8sP2do52kmKYGiWiDRs2hRQRr8KJviS36u3nyzxs2Azs"`. Continue? (y/n):
w@w:~/sol_keys$ solana-keygen new --no-bip39-passphrase --derivation-path --outfile has_derive_path
Generating a new keypair
Wrote new keypair to has_derive_path
pubkey: FzeVW4z1pwdJbAqDxZdgQUA3BqMa7JFXFzJ9HVWmRgWH
Save this seed phrase to recover your new keypair:
chef any album file avocado struggle during hair bird detail leave drip
w@w:~/sol_keys$ solana-keygen pubkey has_derive_path
w@w:~/sol_keys$ solana-keygen verify FzeVW4z1pwdJbAqDxZdgQUA3BqMa7JFXFzJ9HVWmRgWH has_derive_path
Verification for public key: FzeVW4z1pwdJbAqDxZdgQUA3BqMa7JFXFzJ9HVWmRgWH: Success
w@w:~/sol_keys$ solana-keygen recover 'prompt://?key=0/0' --outfile has_derive_path.recover
[recover] seed phrase:
[recover] If this seed phrase has an associated passphrase, enter it now. Otherwise, press ENTER to continue:
Recovered pubkey `"FzeVW4z1pwdJbAqDxZdgQUA3BqMa7JFXFzJ9HVWmRgWH"`. Continue? (y/n):
keygen new 生成出来的密钥,通过 solana config set --keypair /path/to/id.json
sol | sui | |
导入账户助记词 | solana-keygen recover 'prompt://?key=0/0' | keytool import '$mnemonic' ed25519 |
获取账户地址 | address | client active-address |
获取账户余额 | balance | client balance |
切换账户 | config set --keypair $path | client switch --address $alias |
获取rpc地址 | config get | client envs |