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Dataset Pipeline Evaluation First n subjects score time Comments
bi2012 RG+LDA MOABB WithinSession 25 0.882 0.18 n_components=10
bi2012 RG+QuantumSVM MOABB WithinSession 25 0.786 1119.10 XFeatureMap, Qiskit Aer 0.13.1 (state vector), Qiskit ML 0.6.1, shots=512, nfilter=2, PCA(n_components=5)
BI_Il Xdawn+LDA MOABB WithinSession 59 0.775 17.91
BI_Il XdawnCov+MDM MOABB WithinSession 59 0.759 1.82
BI_Il XdawnCov+TsLDA MOABB WithinSession 59 0.779 1.93
BI_Il XdawnCov+TsSVC MOABB WithinSession 59 0.766 1.96
BI_Il ERPCov+CvxMDM+Dist MOABB WithinSession 59 0.583 247.41
BI_Il XdawnCov+TsQSVC MOABB WithinSession 59 0.690 12.64
BI_Il ERPCov+QMDM+Dist MOABB WithinSession 59 0.553 197.97
BI_Il Vot+QMDM+Dist+Mean MOABB WithinSession 59 0.56 96.74
BI_Il Judge_QMDM_MDM_TsLDA MOABB WithinSession 59 0.707 463.12
BI_Il Vot+QMDM+MDM MOABB WithinSession 59 0.706 90.45
bi2013a RG+LDA MOABB WithinSession 5 0.912 0.14 n_components=10
bi2013a RG+QuantumSVM MOABB WithinSession 5 0.864 5.91 XFeatureMap, Qiskit Aer 0.12.2 (state vector), Qiskit ML 0.6.1, shots=512, nfilter=2, PCA(n_components=10)
bi2013a RG+ClassicalSVM MOABB CrossSubject 10 0.636 14.4 PCA(n_components=10)
bi2013a RG+LDA MOABB CrossSubject 10 0.78 2.75 PCA(n_components=10)
bi2013a RG+QuantumSVM MOABB CrossSubject 10 0.625 1532.92 XFeatureMap, Qiskit Aer 0.12.2 (state vector),Qiskit ML 0.6.1,shots=512, nfilter=2, PCA(n_components=10)
BNCI2015003 RG+ClassicalSVM MOABB CrossSubject 8 0.5 52.48 PCA(n_components=10)
BNCI2015003 RG+LDA MOABB CrossSubject 8 0.57 4.43 PCA(n_components=10)
BNCI2015003 RG+QuantumSVM MOABB CrossSubject 8 0.49 3330.92 XFeatureMap, Qiskit Aer 0.12.2 (state vector),Qiskit ML 0.6.1,shots=2048, nfilter=2, PCA(n_components=10)
bi2015a RG+ClassicalSVM MOABB WithinSession 20 0.86 0.08 PCA(n_components=10)
bi2015a RG+LDA MOABB WithinSession 20 0.92 0.07 PCA(n_components=10)
bi2015a RG+QuantumSVM MOABB WithinSession 20 0.85 1.97 XFeatureMap, Qiskit Aer 0.12.2 (state vector),Qiskit ML 0.6.1,shots=512, nfilter=2, PCA(n_components=10)
bi2013a QuantumMDM (mean=convex/distance=euclid) MOABB WithinSession 2 0.62 20.0 Quantum = True, upper_bound=7, Qiskit Aer 0.12.2 (state vector), Qiskit ML 0.6.1
bi2013a QuantumMDM (mean=logeuclid/distance=convex) MOABB WithinSession 2 0.65 13.00 Quantum = True, upper_bound=7, Qiskit Aer 0.12.2 (state vector), Qiskit ML 0.6.1
BNCI2014009 QuantumMDM (mean=logeuclid/distance=convex) MOABB WithinSession 10 0.66 25.97 Quantum = True, upper_bound=7, Qiskit Aer 0.12.2 (state vector), Qiskit ML 0.6.1
BNCI2014009 QuantumMDM (mean=convex/distance=euclid) MOABB WithinSession 10 0.58 8.95 Quantum = True, upper_bound=7, Qiskit Aer 0.12.2 (state vector), Qiskit ML 0.6.1
BNCI2014009 QuantumMDM (Voting) MOABB WithinSession 10 0.70 105.60 Quantum = True, upper_bound=7, Qiskit Aer 0.12.2 (state vector), Qiskit ML 0.6.1
BNCI2014009 R-MDM MOABB WithinSession 10 0.76 135.06 Classical RMDM
BNCI2014009 QuantumMDM (mean=logeuclid/distance=convex) MOABB WithinSession 10 0.79 25.97 Quantum = False
BNCI2014009 QuantumMDM (mean=convex/distance=euclid) MOABB WithinSession 10 0.67 22.99 Quantum = False
BNCI2014009 QuantumMDM (Voting) MOABB WithinSession 10 0.77 49.83 Quantum = False

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