My notes from the Kode Kloud Ansible for the Absolute Beginners Course
Updated 2021-09-02
- On RHEL run
yum install -y ansible
- Create a working directory for your lab project and then create inventory file - inventory.txt
target1 ansible_host= ansible_ssh_pass=Passw0rd!
target2 ansible_host= ansible_ssh_pass=Passw0rd!
- Edit ansible.cfg in the /etc/ansible directory
sudo vi ansible.cfg
Remove the comment from this line - host_key_checking = False from the ansible.cfg config file.
This not recommended for production, but the Kode Kloud folks have us do this for the local lab setup.
- From the projects directory where you created the inventory.txt file run the following ansible command
ansible target1 -m ping -i inventory.txt
ansible target2 -m ping -i inventory.txt
You should receive a successful ping
Example of key value pair in YAML
Fruit: Apple
Vegetable: Carrot
Liquid: Water
Meat: Chicken
Example of Array/Lists in Yaml
- Orange
- Apple
- Banana
- Carrot
- Cauliflower
- Tomato
Example of Dictionary/Map
Calories: 105
Fat: 0.4 g
Carbs: 27g
Calories: 62
Fat: 0.3 g
Carbs: 16 g
Key that you use the equal number of spaces in YAML.
Dictionary is used to store properties of a particular object, like a car.
We want to store the name of six cars, we would use a list since a list of the same time of objects.
Dictionary is an unordered collection where as a list is a ordered list.
A hash # is ignored and considered a comment.
Uss ssh in Linux/Unix or Windows Powershell for connecting to remote systesm
Default inventory stored in /etc/ansible/hosts. You can define inventor file in another working directory
sample Inventory file
# Database Servers
sql_db1 ansible_connection=ssh ansible_user=root ansible_ssh_pass=Lin$Pass
sql_db2 ansible_connection=ssh ansible_user=root ansible_ssh_pass=Lin$Pass
# Web Servers
web_node1 ansible_connection=winrm ansible_user=administrator ansible_password=Win$Pass
web_node2 ansible_connection=winrm ansible_user=administrator ansible_password=Win$Pass
web_node3 ansible_connection=winrm ansible_user=administrator ansible_password=Win$Pass
Define what we want ansible do on the target endpoint.
Playbook is a single YAML file containing a set of ploys
- A play is a set of actiities (tasks) to run on a host.
- Task an action to be performed on a target endpoint.
A play is a YAML dictionary A task is an ordered list in yaml
hosts: set at a play level in the playbook. If hosts is a group in the inventory file, then the play is run on all members of the group
Tasks are ansible modules. Example: command, script, yum, service
Run playbook: ansible-playbook playbookname.yml
Sample playbooks:
name: 'Execute a date command on localhost'
hosts: web_node1
name: 'Execute a date command'
command: date
name: 'Execute a command to display hosts file'
command: cat /etc/hosts
Sample playbook with to plays:
name: 'Execute command to display date on web_node1'
hosts: web_node1
name: 'Execute a date command'
command: date
name: Execute a command to display hosts file contents on web_node2
hosts: web_node2
name: Execute a command to display hosts file
command: cat /etc/hosts
Sample playbook with several plays and targets
name: 'Stop the web services on web server nodes'
hosts: web_nodes
name: 'Stop the web services on web server nodes'
command: 'service httpd stop'
name: 'Shutdown the databases on db server nodes'
hosts: db_nodes
name: 'Shutdown the databases on db server nodes'
command: 'service mysql stop'
name: 'Restart all servers'
hosts: all_nodes
name: 'Restart all servers'
command: '/sbin/shutdown -r'
name: 'Start the databases on db server nodes'
hosts: db_nodes
name: 'Start the databases on db server nodes'
command: 'service mysql start'
name: 'Start the web servers on web server nodes'
hosts: web_nodes
name: 'Start the web servers on web server nodes'
command: 'service httpd start'
Modules include...
- System
- Commands - execute commands or script
- Files
- Database
- Cloud
- Windows
Command module - execute command on a remote endpoint
Script module - Ansible controller machine transfers sript to target and then runs
Service module - Manage Start, Stop, Restart
- state=started - we want the state of the service to be started. If not running start or if started skip
Example playbooks using other modules:
name: 'Execute a script on all web server nodes and start httpd service'
hosts: web_nodes
name: 'Update entry into /etc/resolv.conf'
path: /etc/resolv.conf
line: 'nameserver'
name: 'Add web_user'
name: web_user
uid: 1040
group: developers
name: 'Execute a script'
script: /tmp/
name: 'Start httpd service'
name: httpd
state: present
Use variables in playbook or separate file to loop playbooks through multiple devices
Example use of variables with a vars list included in the playbook:
name: 'Update nameserver entry into resolv.conf file on localhost'
hosts: localhost
name: 'Print my car model'
command: 'echo "My car''s model is {{ car_model }}"'
name: 'Print my country'
command: 'echo "I live in the {{ country_name }}"'
name: 'Print my title'
command: 'echo "I work as a {{ title }}"'
car_model: 'BMW M3'
country_name: 'USA'
title: 'Systems Engineer'
Use item variable You would pass in a dictionary for two or more variables
- user:
name: 'joe joe'
uid: 1342
- user: name='{{ }}' state=present uid='{{ item.uid }}'
other looping options:
Example looping playbook using with_items:
- name: 'Print list of fruits' hosts: localhost vars: fruits: - Apple - Banana - Grapes - Orange tasks: - command: 'echo "{{item}}"' with_items: "{{fruits}}" '''
Example looping playbook using with_items:
name: 'Install required packages'
hosts: localhost
- httpd
- binutils
- glibc
- ksh
- libaio
- libXext
- gcc
- make
- sysstat
- unixODBC
- mongodb
- nodejs
- grunt
with_items: '{{packages}}'
yum: "name={{item}} state=present"
Assign roles to servers to create a specific type of server: mysql, nginx, Apache http, etc. Assigning a role to make a server to be a database server: install pre-reqs, installing mysql packages, configure mysqsl service, configuring database and users
You could package the playbook into a role and call the role from othe playbooks. You can reuse the role with many playbooks
Roles define best packages for creating specific services or configuring particular tasks.
To create role:
- create directory structure
ansible-galaxy init mysql
Example of playbook calling a role
- name: install and configure mysql
hosts: db-server
- mysql
Store in a variety of places but you may use /etc/ansible/roles directory
To see installed roles
ansible-galaxy list
To view role installed directory
ansible-config dump | grep ROLE
Roles are installed on the DEFAULT_ROLES_PATH
Install Roles
ansible-galaxy install gerrlinggugy.mysql -p ./roles
- Windows machines can be target endpoints
- Use WinRM to access Windows machine from control node
- Need pywinrm module installed on Ansible control node
- Free site to share and download Ansible roles
- for hosts: you can use patterns
- Host1, Host2, Host3
- Group1, Host1
- use wild cards
- Host*
- *
Specify file
ansible-playbook -i inventory.txt playbook.yml
ansible-playbook -i playbook.yml
Write your own module in python