runhaskell Scales.hs <key> <scale> <mode>
-- e. g.
-- runhaskell Scles.hs C Major Ionian
Check out Lib.DataTypes
to see the possible values
runhaskell ScaleTests.hs
Mostly quickcheck.
This little project is an excuse to learn Haskell as I dump stuff I'm learning about music theory.
For the time being it's mostly about scales and modes, hence the highly imaginative name I'm so proud of.
I should note that scales and modes are kind of mixed up as of right now, but I'm too lazy to explain how they work within this little thing right now. Suffice to say, maybe as I learn more I'll come up with a better way combine them, but for now this will do.
So here's the list of current features:
- Display the full scale/mode combination for an arbitrary key
- Calculate the relative modes (e.g. "A Aeolian is the same as C Ionian")
- Calculate modulations (e.g. "If you're playing C Ionian and want to move to Dorian, you can use As Ionian")
- Display a rudimentary representation of a guitar neck to show the scale
- Add an interactive menu to select things, instead (or on top?) of using command line arguments
- Add a piano representation in addition to that of a guitar
TODO that would require at least a different name:
- Add chord builder
- ...Other stuff with chords I guess