WebService::GoogleAPI::Client - Perl Google API Services OAUTH Client.
WebService::GoogleAPI::Client - Perl Google API Services OAUTH Client.
version 0.21
Provides client access to Google API V.1 Service End-Points using a user-agent that handles OAUTH2 authentication and access control and provides helpers to cache API Discovery specifications.
This module may look 'heavy' and that's because it includes a lot of extra tools to streamline your exploration of Google API End-Points. In a production environment there will be options to trim down your implementation if this is required.
The guiding principal is to minimise the conceptual load when using the Client agent for users who want to make calls directly, but also make available functions to help explore unfamiliar API endpoints by offering optional validation etc against the latest published Google API Discovery specifications.
NB: To create or modify an authorization configuration file for a Goole Project with scope and user tokens in current folder run goauth CLI tool to interactively create the JSON configuration and launch a local HTTP server to acquire authenticated access permissions with a Google email account.
See perldoc goauth
for more detail.
use WebService::GoogleAPI::Client;
use Data::Dumper;
## assumes gapi.json configuration in working directory with scoped project and user authorization
my $gapi_client = WebService::GoogleAPI::Client->new( debug => 1, gapi_json => 'gapi.json', user=> '[email protected]' );
## Completely manually constructed API End-Point Request to obtain Perl Data Structure converted from JSON response.
my $res = $gapi_client->api_query(
method => 'get',
path => 'https://www.googleapis.com/calendar/users/me/calendarList',
The code in this repository uses Dist::Zilla Build System to assist package building and creation of Tarball and CPAN distribution. Curiously the Github Repo describes itself as 'scary tools for building CPAN distributions'
dzil listdeps | cpanm
dzil build
dzil test
dzil install
cpanm WebService::GoogleAPI::Client
At the time of writing I had issues installing Config::Json V1.5202 due to an issue with the tests. Until the patch is applied it is OK to force the install in cpan to get things working.
I was unable to get the Dist::Zilla packages installed under Windows but installing without the dzil build layer through cpanm or cpan should now work as of V0.13
- Requires a suitably configured Project in Google Admin Console with scopes and OAUTH Client
- Requires a local project configuration file that can be generated with the included goauth CLI Tool (perldoc goauth for more detail )
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use feature 'say';
use WebService::GoogleAPI::Client;
my $gapi = WebService::GoogleAPI::Client->new(debug => 0);
## This idiom selects the first authorised user from gapi.json
my $aref_token_emails = $gapi->auth_storage->storage->get_token_emails_from_storage;
my $user = $aref_token_emails->[0];
print "Running tests with default user email = $user\n";
## Get all emails sent to $user newer than 1 day
my $cl = $gapi->api_query({
method => 'get',
path => "https://www.googleapis.com/gmail/v1/users/me/messages?q=newer_than:1d;to:$user",
if ($cl->code eq '200') ## Mojo::Message::Response
foreach my $msg ( @{ $cl->json->{messages} } )
say Dumper $msg;
See the examples folder for specific access examples.
## using dotted API Endpoint id to invoke helper validation and default value interpolations etc to send email to self
use Email::Simple; ## RFC2822 formatted messages
use MIME::Base64;
my $my_email_address = '[email protected]'
my $raw_email_payload = encode_base64( Email::Simple->create( header => [To => $my_email_address,
From => $my_email_address,
Subject =>"Test email from '$my_email_address' ",],
body => "This is the body of email to '$my_email_address'",
api_endpoint_id => 'gmail.users.messages.send',
options => { raw => $raw_email_payload },
my $text_to_speech_request_options = {
'input' => {
'text' => 'Using the Web-Services-Google-Client Perl module, it is now a simple matter to access all of the Google API Resources in a consistent manner.'
'voice' => {
'languageCode' => 'en-gb',
'name' => 'en-GB-Standard-A',
'ssmlGender' => 'FEMALE'
'audioConfig' => {
'audioEncoding'=> 'MP3'
## Using this API requires authorised https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform scope
if ( 0 ) ## use a full manually constructed non validating standard user agent query builder approach ( includes auto O-Auth token handling )
$r = $gapi_client->api_query(
method => 'POST',
path => 'https://texttospeech.googleapis.com/v1/text:synthesize',
options => $text_to_speech_request_options
) ;
else ## use the api end-point id and take full advantage of pre-submission validation etc
$r = $gapi_client->api_query(
api_endpoint_id => 'texttospeech.text.synthesize',
# method => 'POST', ## not required as determined from API SPEC
# path => 'https://texttospeech.googleapis.com/v1/text:synthesize', ## not required as determined from API SPEC
options => $text_to_speech_request_options
) ;
## NB - this approach will also autofill any defaults that aren't defined
## confirm that the user has the required scope before submitting to Google.
## confirms that all required fields are populated
## where an error is detected - result is a 418 code ( I'm a teapot ) with the body containing the error descriptions
if ( $r->is_success ) ## $r is a standard Mojo::Message::Response instance
my $returned_data = $r->json; ## convert from json to native hashref - result is a hashref with a key 'audioContent' containing synthesized audio in base64-encoded MP3 format
my $decoded_mp3 = decode_base64( $returned_data->{audioContent} );
my $tmp = File::Temp->new( UNLINK => 0, SUFFIX => '.mp3' );
print $tmp $decoded_mp3;
print "ffplay -nodisp -autoexit $tmp\n";
`ffplay -nodisp -autoexit $tmp`;
# ffplay -nodisp -autoexit ~/Downloads/en-GB-Standard-A.mp3
if ( $r->code eq '418' )
print qq{Cool - I'm a teapot - this was caught before sending the request through to Google \n};
print $r->body;
else ## other error - should appear in warnings but can inspect $r for more detail
print Dumper $r;
- API Discovery with local caching using CHI File
- OAUTH app credentials (client_id, client_secret, users access_token && refresh_token) storage stored in local gapi.json file
- Automatic access_token refresh (if user has refresh_token) and saving refreshed token to storage
- CLI tool (go_auth) with lightweight HTTP server to simplify config OAuth2 configuration, sccoping, authorization and obtaining access_ and refresh_ tokens
LWP::Authen::OAuth2::Overview has good overview of OAUTH2
Moo::Google - The original code base later forked into WebService::Google::Client but currently looks stagnant
- Peter Scott [email protected]
This software is copyright (c) 2017-2018 by Peter Scott and others.
This is free software, licensed under:
The Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004