CsToml is Fast and low memory allocation TOML Parser/Serializer for .NET.
For more information about TOML, visit the official website at https://toml.io/en/
The official release version is v1.1.0 or higher. Less than v1.1.0 is deprecated due to incompatible APIs.
This benchmark parses a string (string) into a TOML object. I used Tommy, Tomlet and Tomlyn for comparison.
includes additionalUTF8.GetBytes
calls. This benchmark code is sandbox/Benchmark.
This benchmark convert custom class to string and string to custom class. I used Tomlet and Tomlyn for comparison.
includes additionalUTF8.GetBytes
calls. This benchmark code is sandbox/Benchmark Deserialization, sandbox/Benchmark Serialization.
CsToml has the following features.
- It complies with TOML v1.0.0.
- .NET 8 or later supported.
- Parsing is performed using byte sequence instead of
. - It is processed byte sequence directly by the API defined in
), memory allocation is small and fast. - Buffers are rented from the pool(
), reducing the allocation. - CsToml deserializer has been tested using the standard TOML v1.0.0 test cases and all have passed.
- The serialization interface and implementation is influenced by MemoryPack and VYaml.
- Installation
- Serialize and deserialize TOML sequence (Parse TOML sequence)
- Serialize and deserialize custom class/struct/record/record struct (CsToml.Generator)
- Built-in support type
- Deserialize API
- Serialize API
- Serialize and deserialize TOML values only
- TomlDocument class
- Extensions (CsToml.Extensions)
- UnitTest
- License
This library is distributed via NuGet. We target .NET 8 and .NET 9.
PM> Install-Package CsToml
When you install CsToml.Generator
, it automatically creates code to make your custom classes serializable.(learn more in our Serialize and deserialize custom classes (CsToml.Generator)). It is basically recommended to install it together with CsToml.
However, this requires Roslyn 4.3.1 (Visual Studio 2022 version 17.3) or higher.
PM> Install-Package CsToml.Generator
Additional features are available by installing optional documents.(learn more in our Extensions (CsToml.Extensions))
PM> Install-Package CsToml.Extensions
method supports ReadOnlySpan<byte>
, ReadOnlySequence<byte>
and Stream
method supports a return type of ByteMemoryResult
as well as it can serialize to IBufferWriter<byte>
or Stream
var tomlText = @"
key = ""value""
number = 123
var document = CsTomlSerializer.Deserialize<TomlDocument>(tomlText);
string key = document.RootNode["key"u8].GetString();
long number = document.RootNode["number"u8].GetInt64();
using var result = CsTomlSerializer.Serialize(document);
var utf8Span = result.ByteSpan;
var utf8Memory = result.ByteMemory;
You can deserialize/serialize it by using TomlDocument
class, while still preserving the TOML data structure.
var document = CsTomlSerializer.Deserialize<TomlDocument>(tomlText);
using var result = CsTomlSerializer.Serialize(document);
Define the class
, struct
, record
and record struct
to be serialized and assign the [TomlSerializedObject]
Attribute and the partial keyword.
public partial class CsTomlClass
public string Key { get; set; }
public int? Number { get; set; }
public int[] Array { get; set; }
[TomlValueOnSerialized(aliasName: "alias")]
public string Value { get; set; }
public TableClass Table { get; set; } = new TableClass();
public partial class TableClass
public string Key { get; set; }
public int Number { get; set; }
Adding the above attributes will generate code for serialization/deserialization by Source Generators.
See Built-in support type for more information on available property types.
Generated Code(CsTomlClass_generated.g.cs)
// <auto-generated> This .cs file is generated by CsToml.Generator. </auto-generated>
#nullable enable
#pragma warning disable CS0219 // The variable 'variable' is assigned but its value is never used
#pragma warning disable CS8600 // Converting null literal or possible null value to non-nullable type.
#pragma warning disable CS8601 // Possible null reference assignment.
#pragma warning disable CS8602 // Dereference of a possibly null reference.
#pragma warning disable CS8603 // Possible null reference return.
#pragma warning disable CS8604 // Possible null reference argument for parameter.
#pragma warning disable CS8619 // Possible null reference assignment fix
using CsToml;
using CsToml.Formatter;
using CsToml.Formatter.Resolver;
namespace ConsoleApp;
partial class CsTomlClass : ITomlSerializedObject<CsTomlClass>
static CsTomlClass ITomlSerializedObject<CsTomlClass>.Deserialize(ref TomlDocumentNode rootNode, CsTomlSerializerOptions options)
var __Key__RootNode = rootNode["Key"u8];
var __Key__ = options.Resolver.GetFormatter<string>()!.Deserialize(ref __Key__RootNode, options);
var __Value__RootNode = rootNode["alias"u8];
var __Value__ = options.Resolver.GetFormatter<string>()!.Deserialize(ref __Value__RootNode, options);
var __Array__RootNode = rootNode["Array"u8];
var __Array__ = options.Resolver.GetFormatter<int[]>()!.Deserialize(ref __Array__RootNode, options);
var __Number__RootNode = rootNode["Number"u8];
var __Number__ = options.Resolver.GetFormatter<int?>()!.Deserialize(ref __Number__RootNode, options);
var __Table__RootNode = rootNode["Table"u8];
var __Table__ = options.Resolver.GetFormatter<global::ConsoleApp.TableClass>()!.Deserialize(ref __Table__RootNode, options);
var target = new CsTomlClass(){
Key = __Key__,
Value = __Value__,
Array = __Array__,
Number = __Number__,
Table = __Table__,
return target;
static void ITomlSerializedObject<CsTomlClass>.Serialize<TBufferWriter>(ref Utf8TomlDocumentWriter<TBufferWriter> writer, CsTomlClass target, CsTomlSerializerOptions options)
options.Resolver.GetFormatter<String>()!.Serialize(ref writer, target.Key, options);
options.Resolver.GetFormatter<String>()!.Serialize(ref writer, target.Value, options);
options.Resolver.GetFormatter<int[]>()!.Serialize(ref writer, target.Array, options);
options.Resolver.GetFormatter<int?>()!.Serialize(ref writer, target.Number, options);
if (options.SerializeOptions.TableStyle == TomlTableStyle.Header && (writer.State == TomlValueState.Default || writer.State == TomlValueState.Table)){
options.Resolver.GetFormatter<TableClass>()!.Serialize(ref writer, target.Table, options);
options.Resolver.GetFormatter<TableClass>()!.Serialize(ref writer, target.Table, options);
static void ITomlSerializedObjectRegister.Register()
TomlSerializedObjectFormatterResolver.Register(new TomlSerializedObjectFormatter<CsTomlClass>());
Generated Code(TableClass_generated.g.cs)
// <auto-generated> This .cs file is generated by CsToml.Generator. </auto-generated>
#nullable enable
#pragma warning disable CS0219 // The variable 'variable' is assigned but its value is never used
#pragma warning disable CS8600 // Converting null literal or possible null value to non-nullable type.
#pragma warning disable CS8601 // Possible null reference assignment.
#pragma warning disable CS8602 // Dereference of a possibly null reference.
#pragma warning disable CS8603 // Possible null reference return.
#pragma warning disable CS8604 // Possible null reference argument for parameter.
#pragma warning disable CS8619 // Possible null reference assignment fix
using CsToml;
using CsToml.Formatter;
using CsToml.Formatter.Resolver;
namespace ConsoleApp;
partial class TableClass : ITomlSerializedObject<TableClass>
static TableClass ITomlSerializedObject<TableClass>.Deserialize(ref TomlDocumentNode rootNode, CsTomlSerializerOptions options)
var __Key__RootNode = rootNode["Key"u8];
var __Key__ = options.Resolver.GetFormatter<string>()!.Deserialize(ref __Key__RootNode, options);
var __Number__RootNode = rootNode["Number"u8];
var __Number__ = options.Resolver.GetFormatter<int>()!.Deserialize(ref __Number__RootNode, options);
var target = new TableClass(){
Key = __Key__,
Number = __Number__,
return target;
static void ITomlSerializedObject<TableClass>.Serialize<TBufferWriter>(ref Utf8TomlDocumentWriter<TBufferWriter> writer, TableClass target, CsTomlSerializerOptions options)
options.Resolver.GetFormatter<String>()!.Serialize(ref writer, target.Key, options);
options.Resolver.GetFormatter<Int32>()!.Serialize(ref writer, target.Number, options);
static void ITomlSerializedObjectRegister.Register()
TomlSerializedObjectFormatterResolver.Register(new TomlSerializedObjectFormatter<TableClass>());
As a result, it can be serialized and deserialized as follows. Custom class serialization does not preserve the layout of the original TOML text.
var tomlText = @"
Key = ""value""
Number = 123
Array = [1, 2, 3]
alias = ""alias""
Key = ""value""
Number = 123
var value = CsTomlSerializer.Deserialize<CsTomlClass>(tomlText);
using var serializedText = CsTomlSerializer.Serialize(value);
// Key = "value"
// alias = "alias"
// Array = [ 1, 2, 3 ]
// Number = 123
// Table.Key = "value"
// Table.Number = 123
var serializedTomlText = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(serializedText.ByteSpan);
serializes public instance properties.
Property names with [TomlValueOnSerialized]
are used as keys in the TOML document.
public partial class CsTomlClass
public string Key { get; set; }
This is serialized as follows:
Key = "value"
The key name can also be changed with [TomlValueOnSerialized(aliasName)]
public partial class CsTomlClass
[TomlValueOnSerialized(aliasName: "alias")]
public string Key { get; set; }
This is serialized as follows:
alias = "value"
In CsToml.Generator
v1.3.0 and later versions, read-only properties, or those that have no setter either private or public, can also be deserialized.
internal partial class TypeTable(long intValue, string strValue)
public long IntValue { get; } = intValue;
public string StrValue { get; private set; } = strValue;
supports both parameterized and non-parameterized constructors. The choice of constructor is subject to the following rules.
- Non-public constructors are ignored.
- If there is no explicit constructor, use parameterless.
- If there is one parameterless/parameterized constructor, use it.
- If there is more than one constructor, the parameterized constructor with the most matching parameters is automatically selected.
- The condition for a parameterized constructor is that all parameter names must match the corresponding member names (case-insensitive).
internal partial class Constructor(string str) // Parameterized constructors are available.
public string Str { get; set; } = str;
internal partial class Constructor2
public Constructor2(string str, long intValue)
Str = str;
IntValue = intValue;
// Use this parameterized constructor.
public Constructor2(bool booleanValue, string str, double floatValue, long intValue)
Str = str;
IntValue = intValue;
FloatValue = floatValue;
BooleanValue = booleanValue;
public string Str { get; set; }
public long IntValue { get; set; }
public double FloatValue { get; set; }
public bool BooleanValue { get; set; }
internal partial class Constructor3
// Use this parameterized constructor.
public Constructor3(string str, long intValue)
Str = str;
IntValue = intValue;
public string Str { get; }
public long IntValue { get;}
It can also serialize to TOML table format by setting CsTomlSerializerOptions.TableStyle
to TomlTableStyle.Header
You can create custom CsTomlSerializerOptions
using CsTomlSerializerOptions.Default
and a with expression.
// You can create custom options by using a with expression.
var option = CsTomlSerializerOptions.Default with
SerializeOptions = new SerializeOptions { TableStyle = TomlTableStyle.Header }
var value = new CsTomlClass() {
Key = "value", Number = 123, Array = [1,2,3] , Value = "alias",
Table = new TableClass() { Key = "kEY", Number = 123 }
using var serializedText = CsTomlSerializer.Serialize<CsTomlClass>(value, option);
// Key = "value"
// alias = "alias"
// Array = [ 1, 2, 3 ]
// Number = 123
// [Table]
// Key = "kEY"
// Number = 123
var serializedTomlText = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(serializedText.ByteSpan);
These types can be serialized/deserialized by default as properties of custom classes.
- .NET Built-in types(
etc) DateTime
Deserialize has ReadOnlySpan<byte>
, ReadOnlySequence<byte>
and Stream
The second argument is CsTomlSerializerOptions
, which need not be specified explicitly in CsTomlSerializer.Deserialize
It may be used to add optional features in the future.
T Deserialize<T>(ReadOnlySpan<byte> tomlText, CsTomlSerializerOptions? options = null)
T Deserialize<T>(ReadOnlySequence<byte> tomlSequence, CsTomlSerializerOptions? options = null)
T Deserialize<T>(Stream stream, CsTomlSerializerOptions? options = null)
DeserializeAsync<T>(Stream stream, CsTomlSerializerOptions? options = null, bool configureAwait = false, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
Asynchronous API is available CsTomlSerializer.DeserializeAsync
this only supports Stream
var ms = new MemoryStream(tomlText); // FileStream is also OK.
var document = await CsTomlSerializer.DeserializeAsync<TomlDocument>(ms);
You can deserialize it by using TomlDocument
class, while still preserving the TOML data structure.
var document = CsTomlSerializer.Deserialize<TomlDocument>(tomlText);
You can also deserialize into primitive object type or collection of keys and values, in addition to custom classes with the [TomlSerializedObject]
// dynamic is the same as IDictionary<object, object>
var dict = CsTomlSerializer.Deserialize<dynamic>(tomlText);
var dict2 = CsTomlSerializer.Deserialize<Dictionary<object, object>>(tomlText);
If a syntax error is found during deserialization, an CsTomlSerializeException
is thrown after deserialization.
The contents of the thrown exception can be viewed at CsTomlException.InnerException
var tomlText = @"
key = ""value""
number = ""Error
// throw CsTomlException
var error = CsTomlSerializer.Deserialize<TomlDocument>(tomlText);
catch(CsTomlSerializeException ctse)
foreach (var cte in ctse.Exceptions)
// A syntax error (CsTomlException) occurred while parsing line 3 of the TOML file. Check InnerException for details.
var e = cte.InnerException; // InnerException: 10 is a character that cannot be converted to a number.
has three overloads, including synchronous and asynchronous APIs.
ByteMemoryResult Serialize<T>(T target, CsTomlSerializerOptions? options = null)
void Serialize<TBufferWriter, T>(ref TBufferWriter bufferWriter, T target, CsTomlSerializerOptions? options = null)
void Serialize<T>(Stream stream, T value, CsTomlSerializerOptions? options = null)
async ValueTask SerializeAsync<T>(Stream stream, T value, CsTomlSerializerOptions? options = null, bool configureAwait = false, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
serializes directly into the buffer.
If Span<byte>
or Memory<byte>
is required, API that returns a ByteMemoryResult
can be used.
var bufferWriter = new ArrayBufferWriter<byte>();
CsTomlSerializer.Serialize(ref bufferWriter, document);
// The first is obtained by ByteMemoryResult.
using var result = CsTomlSerializer.Serialize(document);
Asynchronous API is available CsTomlSerializer.SerializeAsync
this only supports Stream
, the same as deserialization.
var ms2 = new MemoryStream(65536);
await CsTomlSerializer.SerializeAsync(ms2, document);
deserialize TOML values to a specified type.
serializes the value into TOML format.
The object can be used with the type listed in Built-in support type.
T DeserializeValueType<T>(ReadOnlySpan<byte> tomlText, CsTomlSerializerOptions? options = null)
T DeserializeValueType<T>(ReadOnlySequence<byte> tomlSequence, CsTomlSerializerOptions? options = null)
ByteMemoryResult SerializeValueType<T>(T target, CsTomlSerializerOptions? options = null)
void SerializeValueType<TBufferWriter, T>(ref TBufferWriter bufferWriter, T target, CsTomlSerializerOptions? options = null)
var tomlIntValue = CsTomlSerializer.DeserializeValueType<long>("1234"u8);
var tomlStringValue = CsTomlSerializer.DeserializeValueType<string>("\"\\U00000061\\U00000062\\U00000063\""u8); // abc
var tomlDateTimeOffsetValue = CsTomlSerializer.DeserializeValueType<DateTimeOffset>("2024-10-20T15:16:00"u8);
var tomlArrayValue = CsTomlSerializer.DeserializeValueType<string[]>("[ \"red\", \"yellow\", \"green\" ]"u8);
var tomlinlineTableValue = CsTomlSerializer.DeserializeValueType<IDictionary<string, object>>("{ x = 1, y = 2, z = \"3\" }"u8);
var tomlTupleValue = CsTomlSerializer.DeserializeValueType<Tuple<string,string,string>>("[ \"red\", \"yellow\", \"green\" ]"u8);
using var serializedTomlValue1 = CsTomlSerializer.SerializeValueType(tomlIntValue);
// 1234
using var serializedTomlValue2 = CsTomlSerializer.SerializeValueType(tomlStringValue);
// "abc"
using var serializedTomlValue3 = CsTomlSerializer.SerializeValueType(tomlDateTimeValue);
// 2024-10-20T15:16:00
using var serializedTomlValue4 = CsTomlSerializer.SerializeValueType(tomlArrayValue);
// [ "red", "yellow", "green" ]
using var serializedTomlValue5 = CsTomlSerializer.SerializeValueType(tomlinlineTableValue);
// {x = 1, y = 2, z = "3"}
using var serializedTomlValue6 = CsTomlSerializer.SerializeValueType(tomlTupleValue);
// [ "red", "yellow", "green" ]
Use TomlDocument
when parsing with the TOML structure preserved.
You can get the TOML value by specifying a key from the RootNode
property of this class (TomlDocumentNode
Like Dictionary
class, it is searched by the indexer.
Parameters can use ReadOnlySpan<byte>
, ReadOnlySpan<char>
and int
The best performance is achieved with ReadOnlySpan<byte>
is a little slower because the process of conversion from UTF16 to UTF8 is performed.
public TomlDocumentNode this[ReadOnlySpan<char> key]
public TomlDocumentNode this[ReadOnlySpan<byte> key]
public TomlDocumentNode this[int index]
var tomlText = @"
key = 123
dotted.keys = ""value""
array = [1, ""2"", 3]
inlineTable = { key = ""value2"", number = 123 }
configurations = [1, {key = [ { key2 = [""VALUE""]}]}]
key = ""value3""
key = ""value4""
number = 123
var document = CsTomlSerializer.Deserialize<TomlDocument>(tomlText);
var key = document!.RootNode["key"u8].GetInt64(); // 123
var dottedKeys = document!.RootNode["dotted"u8]["keys"u8].GetString(); // "value"
var array = document!.RootNode["array"u8].GetArray(); // [1, 2, 3]
var item1 = array[0].GetInt64(); // 1
var item2 = array[1].GetString(); // "2"
var item3 = array[2].GetInt64(); // 3
// Same as "array[0].GetInt64()"
var item1_2 = document!.RootNode["array"u8].GetArrayValue(0).GetInt64();
var inlineTable = document!.RootNode["inlineTable"u8]["key"u8].GetString(); // "value2"
var configurations = document!.RootNode["configurations"u8][1]["key"u8][0]["key2"u8][0].GetString(); // "VALUE"
var table = document!.RootNode["table"u8]["key"u8].GetString(); // "value3"
var arrayOfTables = document!.RootNode["arrayOfTables"u8][0]["key"u8].GetString(); // "value4"
var arrayOfTables2 = document!.RootNode["arrayOfTables"u8][1]["number"u8].GetString(); // 123
var tuple = document!.RootNode["array"u8].GetValue<Tuple<long, string, long>>(); // Tuple<long, string, long>(1, "2", 3)
To retrieve primitive values from omlDocumentNode
and TomlValue
, call the following API.
If an API with the Get
prefix fails, an CsTomlException
is thrown and a value is returned if it was successful.
If an API with the TryGet
prefix fails, false is returned and the value is set to the argument of the out parameter if it was successful.
can be used to see which Toml value types can be converted.
and TryGetValue<T>
can be used to obtain a value converted from a Toml value type to a specified type.
public bool CanGetValue(TomlValueFeature feature)
public ReadOnlyCollection<TomlValue> GetArray()
public TomlValue GetArrayValue(int index)
public string GetString()
public long GetInt64()
public double GetDouble()
public bool GetBool()
public DateTime GetDateTime()
public DateTimeOffset GetDateTimeOffset()
public DateOnly GetDateOnly()
public TimeOnly GetTimeOnly()
public object GetObject()
public T GetNumber<T>() where T : struct, INumberBase<T>
public T GetValue<T>()
public bool TryGetArray(out IReadOnlyList<TomlValue> value)
public bool TryGetArrayValue(int index, out TomlValue value)
public bool TryGetString(out string value)
public bool TryGetInt64(out long value)
public bool TryGetDouble(out double value)
public bool TryGetBool(out bool value)
public bool TryGetDateTime(out DateTime value)
public bool TryGetDateTimeOffset(out DateTimeOffset value)
public bool TryGetDateOnly(out DateOnly value)
public bool TryGetTimeOnly(out TimeOnly value)
public bool TryGetObject(out object value)
public bool TryGetNumber<T>(out T value) where T : struct, INumberBase<T>
public bool TryGetValue<T>(out T value)
method is available as an API to convert from TomlDocument
to IDictionary<TKey, TValue>
var document = CsTomlSerializer.Deserialize<TomlDocument>(tomlText);
// Same as document.RootNode.GetValue<Dictionary<object, object>>().
var dict = document.ToDictionary<object, object>();
provides APIs to serialize and deserialize Toml files on disk.
// deserialize from TOML File
var document = CsTomlFileSerializer.Deserialize<TomlDocument>("test.toml");
var document2 = await CsTomlFileSerializer.DeserializeAsync<TomlDocument>("test.toml");
// serialize To TOML File
CsTomlFileSerializer.Serialize("test.toml", document);
await CsTomlFileSerializer.SerializeAsync("test.toml", document);
and CsTomlFileSerializer.DeserializeAsync
deserialize UTF8 strings in TOML files into TomlDocument
and CsTomlFileSerializer.SerializeAsync
serialize the UTF8 string of TomlDocument
to the TOML file.
uses Cysharp/NativeMemoryArray as a third party library.
Please note that we are using the TOML files located in the 'tests/' directory of the ‘toml-test repository (MIT License)’ for some of our unit tests.
MIT License. Some code is implemented based on dotnet/runtime, Please check the original license.