분산시스템, 통신 및 프로토콜에 관련된 RFC, 논문의 번역본을 보관하는 저장소입니다.
문서 규격을 참고하세요.
- RFC793 - Transmission Control Protocol
- RFC894 - A Standard for the Transmission of IP Datagrams over Ethernet Networks (이더넷 네트워크를 통한 IP 데이터그램 전송 표준)
- RFC1918 - Address Allocation for Private Internets (사설 네트워크를 위한 주소 할당)
- RFC3550 - RTP: A Transport Protocol for Real-Time Applications
- RFC5128 - State of Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Communication across Network Address Translators (NATs)
- RFC5785 - Defining Well-Known Uniform Resource Identifiers (통일된 Well-Known 리소스 식별자 정의)
- RFC6886 - NAT Port Mapping Protocol (NAT-PMP)
- RFC9293 - Transmission Control Protocol
- devp2p/eth - Etheruem devp2p eth procotol
- devp2p/rlpx - Etheruem devp2p rlpx procotol
- EIP-650: Istanbul Byzantine Fault Tolerance - yutelin
- tendermint/consensus/consensus - Tendermint Byzantine Consensus Algorithm
- tendermint/abci/abci - Complete details on all ABCI methods and message types
- tendermint/abci/apps - How to manage ABCI application state and other details about building ABCI applications
- eigen_layer/EigenLayer_The_Restaking_Collective - The Restaking Collective
- Coping with the TCP TIME-WAIT state on busy Linux servers - Vincent Bernat
- There is No Now - Justin Sheehy
- An O(1) algorithm for implementing the LFU cache eviction scheme - Prof. Ketan Shah, Anirban Mitra, Dhruv Matani
- Anti-Caching: A New Approach to Database Management System Architecture - Justin DeBrabant, Andrew Pavlo, Stephen Tu
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> 목차
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ....................................................3
1.1. Transition to Port Control Protocol ........................4
2. Conventions and Terminology Used in This Document ...............5
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
1.1. Transition to Port Control Protocol
2. Conventions and Terminology Used in This Document
> 페이지
9.3. Efficiency
In addition to low-cost home gateways, many of the clients will also
be similarly constrained low-cost devices with limited RAM resources.
When implementing a NAT-PMP client on a constrained device, it's
beneficial to have well-defined bounds on RAM requirements that are
fixed and known in advance. For example, when requesting the
gateway's external IPv4 address, a NAT-PMP client on Ethernet knows
Cheshire & Krochmal Informational [Page 27]
RFC 6886 NAT-PMP April 2013
that to receive the reply it will require 14 bytes for the Ethernet
header, 20 bytes for the IPv4 header, 8 bytes for the UDP header, and
12 bytes for the NAT-PMP payload, making a total of 54 bytes.
9.3. Efficiency
In addition to low-cost home gateways, many of the clients will also
be similarly constrained low-cost devices with limited RAM resources.
When implementing a NAT-PMP client on a constrained device, it's
beneficial to have well-defined bounds on RAM requirements that are
fixed and known in advance. For example, when requesting the
gateway's external IPv4 address, a NAT-PMP client on Ethernet knows
that to receive the reply it will require 14 bytes for the Ethernet
header, 20 bytes for the IPv4 header, 8 bytes for the UDP header, and
12 bytes for the NAT-PMP payload, making a total of 54 bytes.
This protocol SHOULD only be used when the client determines that its
primary IPv4 address is in one of the private IPv4 address ranges
defined in "Address Allocation for Private Internets" [RFC1918].
이 프로토콜은 SHOULD:{클라이언트가 기본 IPv4 주소가 "Address Allocation for
Private Internets"[RFC1918]에 정의된 개인 IPv4 주소 범위 중 하나에 있다고 판단하는
경우에만 사용}해야 합니다 [RFC1918].
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