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Constant enables developers to create smart enums in C# and is implemented using .NET portable class libraries.
Creating constants:
private class Producttype : Constant<Producttype>
public static readonly Producttype Default = new Producttype("default", false);
public static readonly Producttype Box = new Producttype("box", true);
private TestableConstant(string key, bool isValid)
this.Add(key, this);
IsValid = isValid;
public bool ValidType { get; private set; }
Using constants:
public class Product
private Producttype producttype;
public Product(string type)
producttype = ProductType.GetOrDefaultFor(type);
public void Validate()
return true;
// Just to illustrate that it can be used as a normal enum as well
if(producttype == Producttype.Default)
return true;
return false;
The project was created because I found I had needs for this in quite a few projects and got tired of moving the code around. Enums in themselves can end up hiding businesslogic so this is the logical next step. Making it to a NuGet package made using this much easier.
The project can be installed easiliy via NuGet or by downloading and compiling the source yourself.
See Lisence.txt