Canary 202011-02
Automated list of merges:
(72b91ac) #1485 from zach2good/get_random_element - Add GetRandomElement helpers and cleanup tpzrand
(019d51b) #1483 from zach2good/packetguard_update - PacketGuard: Add allow for Event Update (String Update) (0x060)
(6f55a79) #1413 from jarmengaud/zoneflags - Adjust Trust and Mount flags in Adoulin and ToAU zones
(fd61f02) #1465 from Nireya/retrace-and-usables - Implements the Retrace spell and related usable items
(56f7446) #1480 from neuromancerxi/feature/mystery - Fixes Gobbie Mystery Box "You must wait another 0 days..."
(9ca0c84) #1476 from MarianArlt/cop-5-1-amulet - CoP 5-1 Player obtains Mysterious Amulet and Light of Vahzl
(f780862) #1395 from EpicTaru/SurvivalGuidePOSAudit - Standardized destinations of players at all Survival Guides
(e88fd65) #1466 from Nireya/cotton-coin-purse - Add cotton coin purse item
(0b6467c) #1471 from neuromancerxi/skillupgear - Adds Combat/Magic Skill Gain MODs to associated items.
(fbf5f46) #1473 from MarianArlt/temple-knight-key - Add CoP Temple Knight key to Quelveuiat message
(2bbdf8e) #1475 from zach2good/cmake_support_path_spaces - CMake: Support paths with spaces on Windows
(4ccff3f) #1469 from MarianArlt/severe-mob-mod - Add SEVERE_SPELL_CHANCE mob modifier
(b1f4fd4) #1472 from zach2good/mob_interrupt_broken_animations - Fix broken mob animations if interrupted during death
(76a3b3a) #1424 from zach2good/trust_ranged - Ranged Attacks for Trusts & Trust: Semih Lafihna & Ayame WS Logic
(3569b95) #1468 from zach2good/addallweaponskills - Add !addallweaponskills command
(6980d3b) #1467 from zach2good/apoc_nigh_engage - Fix engage conditions in Apocalypse Nigh
(ea13551) Merge branch 'feature/trust' into canary -
(b0bb335) Merge branch 'feature/early-bird' into canary -
(11f3d0f) Merge branch 'release' into canary -
Full list of commits available here:
This release was made possible by the hard work of: