Test Reporting tool for processing results file from test automation frameworks and importing it in Xray Test Management Tool using AWS
- Install packages from the package.json file:
yarn install
- Clean up all local packages and files:
yarn run clean
- Clean up cdk output files only:
yarn run clean-cdk-output
- Compare deployed stack with current state:
cdk diff
- Emits the synthesized cloudformation template with specific stack prefix:
cdk synth {stackName}
- Deploy this stack in AWS:
cdk deploy {stackName}
- Destroy this stack in AWS:
cdk destroy {stackName}
Deploy Raw Data Processor Lambda to AWS account:
cdk deploy raw-processor-lambda
Deploy Xray Integrator Lambda lambda to AWS account:
cdk deploy xray-integrator-lambda
Deploy S3 buckets to AWS account:
cdk deploy reporting-buckets
Currently, this tool supports Allure report only. In order for the tool to process the results, the test frameworks need to upload corresponding allure-report.zip into Raw S3 bucket. Example of command that can be used is:
aws s3 cp allure-report.zip s3://allure-to-xray-raw-bucket/allure-report.zip --metadata environment=test,application=ABC,reportType=allure,projectKey=KEY