Top 10 Algorithms and Data Structures for Competitive Programming
#Graph Algorithms
- Breadth First Search (BFS)
- Depth First Search (DFS)
- Shortest Path from source to all vertices Dijkstra
- Shortest Path from every vertex to every other vertex Floyd Warshall
- Minimum Spanning tree Prim
- Minimum Spanning tree Kruskal
- Topological Sort
- Johnson’s algorithm
- Articulation Points (or Cut Vertices) in a Graph
- Bridges in a graph
#Dynamic Programming
Longest Common Subsequence- Longest Increasing Subsequence
- Edit Distance
- Minimum Partition
- Ways to Cover a Distance
- Longest Path In Matrix
- Subset Sum Problem
- Optimal Strategy for a Game
- 0-1 Knapsack Problem
- Assembly Line Scheduling
#Searching And Sorting
Binary SearchQuick SortMerge Sort- Order Statistics
- KMP algorithm
- Rabin karp
- Z’s algorithm
- Aho Corasick String Matching
Counting Sort- Manacher’s algorithm: Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3
#Prime Numbers and Prime Factorization
Primality TestSet 1 (Introduction and School Method)Set 2 (Fermat Method)Set 3 (Miller–Rabin)Sieve of EratosthenesSegmented Sieve- Wilson’s Theorem - P
Prime FactorisationPollard’s rho algorithm
#Modulo Arithmetic Algorithms
Basic and Extended Euclidean algorithmsEuler’s Totient FunctionModular ExponentiationModular Multiplicative InverseChinese remainder theorem and Modulo Inverse ImplementationnCr%m
#Mathematical Algorithms
Counting InversionsCounting Inversions using BIT- logarithmic exponentiation
- Square root of an integer
- Heavy light Decomposition and this
- Matrix Rank
- Hungarian algorithm
- Link cut
- Mo’s algorithm and this
- Russian Peasant Multiplication
- Catalan Number
#Geometrical and Network Flow Algorithms
- Convex Hull
- Graham Scan
- Line Intersection
- Interval Tree
- Matrix Exponentiation
- Maxflow Ford Furkerson Algo and Edmond Karp Implementation
- Min cut
- Stable Marriage Problem
- Hopcroft–Karp Algorithm for Maximum Matching
- Dinic’s algo
#Data Structures
- Binary Indexed Tree or Fenwick tree
- Segment Tree (RMQ, Range Sum and Lazy Propagation)
- K-D tree (See insert, minimum and delete)
- Union Find Disjoint Set (Cycle Detection and By Rank and Path Compression)
- Tries - H
- Suffix array (this, this and this)
- Sparse table
- Suffix automata
- Suffix automata II
- LCA and RMQ
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