a mysensors gw based on https://github.com/wbcode/ham
- MQTT Support
- Openhab Rest Api Support
MySensors Serial Protocol (1.4) support only
- an arduino mysensors serial gateway connected via usb/serial on a linux host
- an openhab installation (not required for testing, but it would be usefull)
- configured openhab items (atm only NumberItems are supported)
- some sensors
- python pip installed
git clone https://github.com/thehawkes/pymygw.git
cd pymygw
pip install -r requirements.txt
# MQTT/Openhab
Publisher = 'MQTT'
Openhab config
OpenhabAPI = 'http://adugw.home:8080/rest/items'
OpenhabAPIList = 'item'
OpenhabCacheTimeout = 300
MQTT config
MQTTBroker = 'adugw.home'
MQTTPort = 1883
MQTTProtocol = 3
MQTTTopic = 'pymygw'
cd <<installdirectory>>
python pymygw.py
only available if the Openhab Rest Api is used as the publisher
The gateway offers a simple Webinterface on Port 5000 to "glue" sensors to openhab items.
Edit config.py to change the port
WebPort = 5000