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Weekly Kapa Usage Report #4

Weekly Kapa Usage Report

Weekly Kapa Usage Report #4

name: Weekly Kapa Usage Report
# Runs at 7:00 AM UTC every Monday
- cron: '0 7 * * 1'
workflow_dispatch: # Allows manual triggering
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Get Current Date
id: date
run: |
echo "start_date=$(date -d '7 days ago' -u +%Y-%m-%dT00:00:00Z)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "end_date=$(date -u +%Y-%m-%dT23:59:59Z)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Fetch Kapa Analytics
id: fetch-analytics
run: |
# Make the API call and store response directly to file
curl -v -s -X GET \
"${{ env.start_date }}&end_date_time=${{ env.end_date }}&aggregation_period=WEEK" \
-H "X-API-KEY: ${{ secrets.KAPA_API_KEY }}" \
-o kapa_response.json
# Debug: Print the first part of the response
echo "API Response (first 500 chars):"
head -c 500 kapa_response.json
# Validate JSON response
if ! jq empty kapa_response.json; then
echo "Error: Invalid JSON response from API"
echo "Full response:"
cat kapa_response.json
exit 1
# Verify the response has the expected structure
if ! jq -e '.aggregate_statistics' kapa_response.json > /dev/null; then
echo "Error: Response missing aggregate_statistics"
echo "Response structure:"
jq '.' kapa_response.json
exit 1
if ! jq -e '.time_series' kapa_response.json > /dev/null; then
echo "Error: Response missing time_series"
echo "Response structure:"
jq '.' kapa_response.json
exit 1
# Create formatted message sections
period_text="Period: $(date -d '${{ env.start_date }}' '+%B %d') - $(date -d '${{ env.end_date }}' '+%B %d, %Y')"
# Calculate uncertain percentage
total_questions=$(jq -r '.aggregate_statistics.total_questions' kapa_response.json)
uncertain_questions=$(jq -r '.aggregate_statistics.total_questions_uncertain' kapa_response.json)
if [ "$total_questions" -gt 0 ]; then
uncertain_percentage=$(echo "scale=1; $uncertain_questions * 100 / $total_questions" | bc)
key_metrics="*Key Metrics:*\n• Total Questions: $(jq -r '.aggregate_statistics.total_questions' kapa_response.json)\n• Unique Users: $(jq -r '.aggregate_statistics.total_unique_users' kapa_response.json)\n• Uncertain Responses: $uncertain_questions ($uncertain_percentage%)"
quality_metrics="*Quality Metrics:*\n• Upvotes: $(jq -r '.aggregate_statistics.total_upvotes' kapa_response.json)\n• Downvotes: $(jq -r '.aggregate_statistics.total_downvotes' kapa_response.json)"
# Calculate success rate
total_votes=$(jq -r '.aggregate_statistics.total_upvotes + .aggregate_statistics.total_downvotes' kapa_response.json)
if [ "$total_votes" -gt 0 ]; then
success_rate=$(echo "scale=1; $(jq -r '.aggregate_statistics.total_upvotes' kapa_response.json) * 100 / $total_votes" | bc)
success_text="\n*Success Rate:* ${success_rate}%"
# Get counts for each integration
# Community channel count
community_count=$(jq -r '
.time_series |
map(.count_by_integration[]) |
map(select(.type == "SLACK_CHANNEL" and (.description | test("community"; "i")))) |
map(.count) |
add // 0
' kapa_response.json)
# Docs AI count
docs_ai_count=$(jq -r '
.time_series |
map(.count_by_integration[]) |
map(select(.description == "Docs AI")) |
map(.count) |
add // 0
' kapa_response.json)
# Ask-ai internal Slack count
internal_slack_count=$(jq -r '
.time_series |
map(.count_by_integration[]) |
map(select(.description == "Ask-ai internal Slack")) |
map(.count) |
add // 0
' kapa_response.json)
# Slack enterprise count
slack_enterprise_count=$(jq -r '
.time_series |
map(.count_by_integration[]) |
map(select(.description == "Slack enterprise")) |
map(.count) |
add // 0
' kapa_response.json)
# Port app widget count
port_app_count=$(jq -r '
.time_series |
map(.count_by_integration[]) |
map(select(.description == "Port app widget")) |
map(.count) |
add // 0
' kapa_response.json)
# Combine all integrations in the desired order
integration_text="\n\n*Questions by Integration:*"
integration_text+="\n• Docs widget: $docs_ai_count"
integration_text+="\n• Community Slack channel: $community_count"
integration_text+="\n• Internal Slack channel: $internal_slack_count"
integration_text+="\n• Enterprise Slack workspace: $slack_enterprise_count"
integration_text+="\n• Port app widget: $port_app_count"
# Send to Slack using curl
curl -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' \
--data "{
\"text\": \"📊 *Weekly Usage Report*\n${period_text}\n\n${key_metrics}\n\n${quality_metrics}${success_text}${integration_text}\"
}" \
${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}