- l4d_DynamicHostname.smx
- admin_hp.smx (32)
- l4d_votes_5.smx (32)
- cannounce.smx (这是一个完全不清楚是否好用的插件,仍有待观测。其作用为提示有人进入/退出服务器) (32)
- linux_auto_restart.smx
- advertisements.smx (64)
- L4DVSAutoSpectateOnAFK.smx (这个插件看起来如果对抗生还和特感人满了而旁观会被踢,等之后再测试吧)(32)
- l4d2_mission_manager.smx 里面包含了四个文件
- acs.smx (64)
- l4d2_changelevel.smx 编译完才发现 Sir 里面原本就有,版本还比我这个高
- l4d2_mission_manager.smx (64)
- l4d2_mm_adminmenu.smx (64)
- 上述所有插件测试
- 包抗插件修改
- The goal for this repo is to work on Linux, specifically Ubuntu/Debian.
There is Windows support in this repo, but not everything is, you are of course welcome to contribute to get Windows fully up to date!
- This repository only supports Sourcemod 1.11 and up.
This is mainly a project that focuses on reworking the very outdated platform for competitive L4D2 for Linux Servers. It will contain both much needed fixes that are simply unable to be implemented on the older sourcemod versions as well as incompatible and outdated files being updated to working versions.
Included Matchmodes:
- Zonemod 2.8.7
- Zonemod Hunters
- Zonemod Retro
- NeoMod 0.4a
- NextMod 1.0.5
- Promod Elite 1.1
- Acemod Revamped 1.2
- Equilibrium 3.0c
- Apex 1.1.2
- We've added "mv_maxplayers" that replaces sv_maxplayers in the Server.cfg, this is used to prevent it from being overwritten every map change.
- On config unload, the value will be to the value used in the Server.cfg
- Every Confogl matchmode will now execute 2 additional files, namely "sharedplugins.cfg" and "generalfixes.cfg" which are located in your left4dead2/cfg folder.
- "General Fixes" simply ensures that all the Fixes discussed in here are loaded by every Matchmode.
- "Shared Plugins" is for you, the Server host. You surely have some plugins that you'd like to be loaded in every matchmode, you can define them here.
- NOTE: Plugin load locking and unlocking is no longer handled by the Configs themselves, so if you're using this project do NOT define plugin load locks/unlocks within the configs you're adding manually.
Foundation/Advanced Work:
- A1m`
- AlliedModders LLC.
- "Confogl Team"
- Dr!fter
- Forgetest
- Jahze
- Lux
- Prodigysim
- Silvers
- XutaxKamay
- Visor
Additional Plugins/Extensions:
- Accelerator74
- Arti
- AtomicStryker
- Backwards
- BHaType
- Blade
- Buster
- Canadarox
- CircleSquared
- Darkid
- DarkNoghri
- Dcx
- Devilesk
- Die Teetasse
- Disawar1
- Don
- Dragokas
- Dr. Gregory House
- Epilimic
- Estoopi
- Griffin
- Harry Potter
- Jacob
- Luckylock
- Madcap
- Mr. Zero
- Nielsen
- Powerlord
- Rena
- Sheo
- Sir
- Spoon
- Stabby
- Step
- Tabun
- Target
- TheTrick
- V10
- Vintik
- VoiDeD
- xoxo
- $atanic $pirit
Competitive Mapping Rework:
- Derpduck
Testing/Issue Reporting:
- Too many to list, keep up the great work in reporting issues!
NOTE: If your work is being used and I forgot to credit you, my sincere apologies.
I've done my best to include everyone on the list, simply create an issue and name the plugin/extension you've made/contributed to and I'll make sure to credit you properly.