Simple responsive gallery script, with WYSIWYG admin (require jquery)
Demo page
Author website
This script allows to manage a picture gallery easily, some features:
- Add simple or multiple pictures at a time
- Clear the gallery
- Set the visibiliy of thumbnails titles
- Delete pictures one by one
- Edit pictures titles
- Display pictures in a popup
More features are under development as more settings or responsive design.
(1) Copy the pedit folder at your website rootfolder(2) Add the lines
after your body tag, don't forget to precise $peditPath relatively from your file
(3) Add the line
where you want to display your gallery, where $id is a choosen gallery id
(4) Link the pEdit css files into your header or in your css file with @import, situated in:
You can of course use the less files as well
(5) Set your mysql connexion in /pedit/common/connexion_sql.php
(6) Import the database situated in /mysql/pgallery.sql
(7) Choose your admin password in /pedit/common/ajax_connexion.php (default is 'mdp')
(8) Finally you must put a launcher to the connexion popup somewere with the html class: