Manage your personal notes in markdown files.
Every file is to be considered a thought. A thought can be seen as a buidling block to be used in various contexts in different ways. A thought is an atomic thing that should maintain self-consistency throughout. The contexts that can use the thought can be of different forms, allowing it to be reused. A thought may become part of different papers, different books, or different thought collections. A thought is identified by the very instant of its inception. Even thought it may evolve over time, we do not amend its moment of inception after its first manifestation.
Create/Edit your daily note:
func n() (cd $NOTES && note --date='day' "$@")
alias N='cd $NOTES'
Currently, only the Vi family of editors are supported.
Install the unimpaired.vim plugin to easily navigate between notes in a named directory using the ]f and [f shortcuts.