A cheap way for NRF52840 development. Uses inexpensive ST-Link V2 USB in-circuit debugger.
- Buy this board:
Or make another yourself according to reference circuitry on Nordic Semiconductor website. - Buy ST-Link V2 USB debugger.
- Connect SWDIO, SWDCLK and GND pins. Power up the target.
- Install all from: https://wiki.makerdiary.com/nrf52840-mdk/nrf5-sdk/
- OpenOCD from: https://4k2.de/microcontroller/openocd-flashing-nrf52/
git clone https://git.code.sf.net/p/openocd/code openocd
cd openocd
mkdir build; cd build
../configure --enable-cmsis-dap --enable-openjtag --prefix=/opt/openocd
sudo make install
We are NRF52840 (PCA10059 S140), use that hex in examples.
openocd -f interface/stlink-dap.cfg -f target/nrf52.cfg -c "telnet_port pipe;tcl_port disabled;gdb_port disabled;log_output /dev/null"
And use following commands:
nrf52.dap apreg 1 0x04 1
reset halt
nrf52.dap apreg 1 0x04 1
nrf5 mass_erase
program /home/plentypvp/nRF5_SDK_17.1.0_ddde560/examples/ble_peripheral/ble_app_blinky/hex/ble_app_blinky_pca10059_s140.hex verify
Test again with:
openocd -f interface/stlink-dap.cfg -f target/nrf52.cfg -c "init" -c "nrf52_recover" -c "reset halt" -c "nrf5 mass_erase" -c "program /home/plentypvp/nRF5_SDK_17.1.0_ddde560/examples/ble_peripheral/ble_app_blinky/hex/ble_app_blinky_pca10059_s140.hex verify" -c "reset" -c "exit"
Brick it with:
openocd -f interface/stlink-dap.cfg -f target/nrf52.cfg -c "init" -c "reset halt" -c "nrf5 mass_erase" -c "program /home/plentypvp/nRF5_SDK_17.1.0_ddde560/examples/ble_peripheral/ble_app_gatts_c/hex/ble_app_gatts_c_pca10056_s140.hex verify" -c "reset" -c "exit"
Unbrick with step 7.
Go to:
And type:
Flash with:
openocd -f interface/stlink-dap.cfg -f target/nrf52.cfg -c "init" -c "nrf52_recover" -c "reset halt" -c "nrf5 mass_erase" -c "program /home/plentypvp/nRF5_SDK_17.1.0_ddde560/components/softdevice/s140/hex/s140_nrf52_7.2.0_softdevice.hex" -c "program /home/plentypvp/nRF5_SDK_17.1.0_ddde560/examples/ble_peripheral/ble_app_blinky/pca10059/s140/armgcc/_build/nrf52840_xxaa.hex verify" -c "reset" -c "exit"
(For compiled app with softdevice)
Tested on Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS