This is the Pleio microservice used for handling user registration, login and SAML2 SSO. It is based on Django project and handles login througout the Pleio ecosystem using OAuth2.
Make sure Docker and yarn is installed. Then run the following commands within the repository:
docker-compose up
yarn install
yarn run watch
Then create a superuser account using: docker-compose exec web python createsuperuser
Now login with your new (superuser) account on http://localhost:8000
To setup the development environment, make sure Python3 and yarn is installed on your development machine. Then run the following commands:
mkvirtualenv pleio_account --python=/usr/bin/python3
pip install -r requirements.txt
yarn install
Create a database using
python migrate
Now create a superuser account using:
python createsuperuser
Start a yarn and Django server using:
python runserver localhost:8000
yarn run watch
Now login with your new (superuser) account on http://localhost:8000
We use the standard i18n toolset of Django. To add new translations to the source files use:
python makemessages
To compile the translations use:
python compilemessages
On OSX first make sure gettext (> 0.14) is installed and linked using:
brew install gettext
brew link --force gettext
To run the accompanied test suite use:
python test