Qlik Sense using a lockdowned Apache Web Server as a Load Balancer and Reverse Proxy with Sticky sessions and Websockets enabled
The items given have been tested to allow one Apache Web Server to act as a Load Balancer AND Reverse Proxy to Qlik Sense traffic. This includes the Apache componements for Sticky / Persistent Sessions for the User Session, HTTPS/SSL, WebSocket upgrades from HTTP(S) and SAML (ADFS tested)/Header and Windows Authentication.
Valid 3rd Party SSL certificates will be trusted by the Apache Web Server/Qlik Sense Server (Other: ADFS server) and are configured
- Note: Tested with all the certificates being created by the same Certificate Authority (CA - Tinycert.org) accompanied by the same Trusted Root across all servers.
- Note 2: Tested Qlik Sense with a valid SSL certificate bound to the Proxy Service - How to: Change the certificate used by the Qlik Sense Proxy to a custom third party certificate (https://qliksupport.force.com/articles/000005458) / https://community.qlik.com/t5/Knowledge/How-to-change-the-certificate-used-by-the-Qlik-Sense-Proxy-to-a/ta-p/1712773
- Note 3: Tested using SHA256 certificates for SAML and verify that all certificates are configured correctly with the proper Cryptographic Providers - Error 500 - Internal server error in the Hub/QMC when connecting through SAML authentication (https://qliksupport.force.com/articles/000041680)
- Note 4: For HTTPS/SSL for Apache needs the certificate to be split into two files (.crt and .key) - Same process is used for NPrinting and is described in the article: How to convert a certificate for NPrinting to the .key and .crt files for HTTPS/SSL in the Web Console and/or the NewsStand (https://qliksupport.force.com/articles/000043517)
Testing SAML can be done using ADFS or another SAML provider: Access to Sense installed on a server that is configured to use SAML ADFS - Configuration of ADFS can be found in the article: Quick Guide to installing ADFS for testing SAML (https://qliksupport.force.com/articles/000041751)
Access to a server to install and configure Apache Web Server
Example Environment:
- Qlik Sense: QlikServer1.domain.local - IP:
- Apache Web Server: QlikServer3.domain.local - IP:
- Other Active Servers: AD FS: DC1.domain.local
- Qlik Sense February 2018 GA
- Windows 2016
- ADFS 4.0
- Apache 2.4 (httpd-2.4.33-o110h-x64-vc14-r2)
- HTTPS / SSL - SHA256 with "Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider" added Enabled / Active on Sense, ADFS and Apache.
Note: This documentation is only to used to validate and test while using Apache as a Reverse Web Server and Load Balancer with HTTPS/SSL is enabled. This example is under the assumption there's an understanding of the environment and having the proper permissions to perform the actions shown. Accounts used are all Local Administrators and the servers are open, with nothing blocked and no other programs installed on them. Any other versions or configurations of any software may need other steps/options/settings/etc ... that are not documented here. Use this at your own discretion as Qlik does NOT support Apache/OpenSSL/ADFS in their installation/configuration or use.
- Put the IP Address OR FQDN/Server Name of the Qlik Sense Server as SENSE_SERVER_1 and SENSE_SERVER_2. EX: qlikserver1.domain.local
- Put the IP Address OR FQDN/Server Name of the Reverse Proxy as LOCAL_ADDR. EX:
- Put the FQDN/Server Name of the Reverse Proxy as APACHE_SERVER. EX: qlikserver3.domain.local
- Put the FQDN/Server Name/URL of the Identity Provider (IdP) as IDP_ADDR. EX: dc1.domain.local
- Put the Virtual Proxy prefix as VIRTUAL_PROXY - EX: header
- Put the desired name for the Balancer confiuration as BALANCER_NAME - EX: balancer
- Define SENSE_SERVER_1 qlikserver1.domain.local
- Define SENSE_SERVER_2 qlikserver2.domain.local
- Define APACHE_SERVER qlikserver3.domain.local
- Define VIRTUAL_PROXY adfsapache
- Define VIRTUAL_PROXY_1 header
- Define BALANCER_NAME balancer
- Define IDP_ADDR dc1.domain.local
<VirtualHost *:443>
ServerAdmin [email protected]
DocumentRoot "${SRVROOT}/htdocs"
ServerName ${LOCAL_ADDR}:443
ServerAlias ${APACHE_SERVER}
SSLProxyEngine on
SSLEngine on
SSLProxyCheckPeerCN off
SSLProxyCheckPeerName off
RewriteEngine On
# Allow only necessary request methods
RewriteRule .* - [F,L]
# Forces browser to switch to HTTPS for all requests to this site
Header set Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=16070400; includeSubDomains"
# Block HTTP/1.0 Protocol
RewriteCond %{SERVER_PROTOCOL} ^HTTP/1\.0$
RewriteRule ^.* - [F]
# Add security headers
Header set X-Content-Type-Options nosniff
Header always set X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN"
# Add HTTPOnly and Secure to all Response Cookies through the Reverse Proxy.
# Note: They may work as is, but they may need to be modified
# Header edit Set-Cookie ^(.*)$ $1;HttpOnly;Secure
# Example of seperating out the flags as it might work better than the above format in some situations
# Header edit Set-Cookie ^(.*?)(;\s?HttpOnly|$)(.*)$ "$1; HttpOnly$3"
# Header edit Set-Cookie ^(.*?)(;\s?Secure|$)(.*)$ "$1; Secure$3"
# Location of the SSL certificate used for this virtual host in their .crt and .key file format
# Note: SSLCipherSuite is Commented / Disabled
SSLCertificateFile "${SRVROOT}/conf/ssl/QS3.crt"
SSLCertificateKeyFile "${SRVROOT}/conf/ssl/QS3.key"
#SSLCipherSuite 'AES256-GCM-SHA384:AES256-SHA256:AES128-SHA256:!RC4'
ProxyRequests Off
ProxyPreserveHost On
KeepAlive On
# If it is a websocket request forward as websocket traffic
# Note: "^keep-alive,\ Upgrade$" is used by Firefox to maintain the websocket connection
RewriteCond %{HTTP:UPGRADE} ^WebSocket$ [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP:CONNECTION} ^Upgrade$ [NC,OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP:CONNECTION} ^keep-alive,\ Upgrade$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^/(.*) balancer://wss-${BALANCER_NAME}/$1 [P,L]
<Proxy *>
Require all granted
# Adding a cookie with the RouteID of a server to maintain Sticky Sessions.
# Note: Secure and HTTPOnly flags are set by default on the Sticky Session Response Cookie
Header add Set-Cookie "ROUTEID=.%{BALANCER_WORKER_ROUTE}e; Secure; HTTPOnly; path=/" env=BALANCER_ROUTE_CHANGED
# Balancer configuration and load balancing methods defined for SSL / HTTPS and WSS / WebSocket traffic
<Proxy balancer://${BALANCER_NAME}>
BalancerMember "https://${SENSE_SERVER_1}:443" route=1
BalancerMember "https://${SENSE_SERVER_2}:443" route=2
ProxySet lbmethod=byrequests
ProxySet stickysession=ROUTEID
ProxySet timeout=300
<Proxy balancer://wss-${BALANCER_NAME}>
BalancerMember "wss://${SENSE_SERVER_1}:443" route=1
BalancerMember "wss://${SENSE_SERVER_2}:443" route=2
ProxySet lbmethod=byrequests
ProxySet stickysession=ROUTEID
ProxySet timeout=300
# Uncomment to open up all URLs from the Reverse Proxy / Load Balancer to Qlik Sense
# ProxyPass "/" "balancer://${BALANCER_NAME}/"
# ProxyPassReverse "/" "balancer://${BALANCER_NAME}/"
# Can point to certain Virtual Proxies instead of opening up the environment. EX: "/header"
# Note: If an ending slash is used, "/header/" "balancer://${BALANCER_NAME}/${VIRTUAL_PROXY}/" it needs to be in the URL when accessing through the browser
# EX: "https://qlikserver3.domain.local/header/ - will work / https://qlikserver3.domain.local/header - will not work"
#<Location /${VIRTUAL_PROXY}>
ProxyPass "/${VIRTUAL_PROXY}" "balancer://${BALANCER_NAME}/${VIRTUAL_PROXY}"
ProxyPassReverse "/${VIRTUAL_PROXY}" "balancer://${BALANCER_NAME}/${VIRTUAL_PROXY}"
#<Location /${VIRTUAL_PROXY_1}>
ProxyPass "/${VIRTUAL_PROXY_1}" "balancer://${BALANCER_NAME}/${VIRTUAL_PROXY_1}"
ProxyPassReverse "/${VIRTUAL_PROXY_1}" "balancer://${BALANCER_NAME}/${VIRTUAL_PROXY_1}"
# Disables the ability to connect to the QMC/Extensions/Dev-Hub/Single Configurator URLs.
# Note: Commented / Disabled
<Location ~ ^/${VIRTUAL_PROXY}/(qmc|qrs[^/extension]|dev-hub|single)>
# Require all denied
# Disables the ability to call a GET to the Proxy - User REST API Endpoint for QPS/Proxy API calls.
# Note: Commented / Disabled
<Location /${VIRTUAL_PROXY}/qps/user>
<Limit GET>
# Require all denied
# Balancer configuration page. EX: https://qlikserver3.domain.local/balancer-manager
<Location "/balancer-manager">
SetHandler balancer-manager
Require host ${APACHE_SERVER}
# Server status page. EX: https://qlikserver3.domain.local/server-status
<Location /server-status>
SetHandler server-status
Require host ${APACHE_SERVER}
# Note: Could be useful, but also seen this saved in the httpd.conf file.
#<IfModule headers_module>
# Header always edit Set-Cookie ^(.*)$ $1;HttpOnly;Secure
# Use of the [NC] flag causes the RewriteRule to be matched in a case-insensitive manner. That is, it doesn't care whether letters appear as upper-case or lower-case in the matched URI.
# 'nocase|NC' (no case) This makes the test case-insensitive - differences between 'A-Z' and 'a-z' are ignored, both in the expanded TestString and the CondPattern. This flag is effective only for comparisons between TestString and CondPattern. It has no effect on filesystem and subrequest checks.
# 'ornext|OR' (or next condition) Use this to combine rule conditions with a local OR instead of the implicit AND. Typical examp
# Using the [F] flag causes the server to return a 403 Forbidden status code to the client. While the same behavior can be accomplished using the Deny directive, this allows more flexibility in assigning a Forbidden status.
# Use of the [P] flag implies [L] - that is, the request is immediately pushed through the proxy, and any following rules will not be considered.
# The [L] flag causes mod_rewrite to stop processing the rule set. In most contexts, this means that if the rule matches, no further rules will be processed. This corresponds to the last command in Perl, or the break command in C. Use this flag to indicate that the current rule should be applied immediately without considering further rules.