This repository contains a quantitative analysis environment setup for data science and machine learning projects. The project includes configuration files for creating a consistent development environment and running Jupyter Lab. This stack is used for courses of
The project uses Conda for managing the Python environment. The quant_environment.yml file specifies the required dependencies:
name: quant-stack
- conda-forge
- defaults
- python=3.9.13
- git
- pip
- pybind11
- cmake
- openssl=1.1.1
- libtiff
- numpy==1.23.4
- ffmpeg
- lightgbm==3.3.5
- cvxpy==1.2.2
- pip:
- poetry==1.4.0
- charset-normalizer==3.1.0
- catboost==1.1.1
- xgboost==1.7.4
- qdldl==0.1.5.post3
To create the environment, run:
conda env create -f quant_environment.yml
The project includes a bash script to launch Jupyter Lab:
source activate quant-stack
jupyter lab --ip= --port=8888 --no-browser --allow-root --NotebookApp.password="$JUPYTER_PASSWORD"
To start Jupyter Lab:
- Ensure you have set the JUPYTER_PASSWORD environment variable.
- Make the script executable: chmod +x
- Run the script: ./
Jupyter Lab will start on port 8888, accessible from any IP address, and will require the password set in the JUPYTER_PASSWORD environment variable.
The repository also includes a Dockerfile and a Makefile, which may contain additional configuration for containerization and build processes.
- Clone this repository
- Set the JUPYTER_PASSWORD environment variable in the makefile
- Run the command: make build and make run
- Access Jupyter Lab through your web browser at http://localhost:8888
- Enter the password set in the JUPYTER_PASSWORD environment variable